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Everything posted by KSV

  1. normal circumstances i would agree... but we were a basket case of a club. It was never going to be a quick fix at this club. Top that off.. we had a new manager.. staff.. a huuuge turn over of players. Last season was never going to happen.. if Kodjia and Jedinak were available during that terrible January.. we may have even snuck into play offs. Lets just see this next few months out. He may suprise you. I hope.
  2. I agree but this season is CRUCIAL. If we were to change him at the end of the season.. i agree get rid. We missed that boat. We bought players like Elmo who HE wanted. We have a lot of HIS signings.. a new manager may come in and clean sweep and may take us another 2-3 years to build. Its too late in such a crucial season with parachute payments etc.. we need to go this year.. at this stage of the season with his signings and his pre season.. i would say 95% of the players backing him.. it would do more harm than good. He has had 4 promotions for a reason.. he knows how to galvanize players and close out matches to win games. Its a long problem we have had.. he will fix it if we keep he faith and dont add to the pressure. FWIW.. i would gone for a Wagner style manager.. but its too little too late now. I still think Bruce can do the job though.. in the Premier League.. a different story.. no chance.. i would start a fresh.
  3. KSV

    Glenn Whelan

    Starting to think he can play alongside Jedinak. Very different players. 4-2-3-1 formation with the two screening. 3 Midfielders across goal with a bit of freedom and a striker.
  4. Not enough time to get used to the pace to get involved. Give him 90 against Colchester
  5. Terrible miss. Heading is not his strong point. Most his finishing has been decent. Hit the post a few times! He will get better. I hope we dont judge him too soon.. hes only 19. This happened to Marc Albrighton too. Give him time and games. He needs experience.
  6. I would have started him but to be fair yesterdays game was crying out for an energetic midfielder like Bikir as Whelans legs were gone. Hourihane and Lansbury are too similar and cant play together. He prefers Lansbury. I think Hourihane Onomah and Jedinak will be our best midfield trio. Bit of everything in the trio. We lacked physical presence in midfield. Whelan is good but hes no MIle. Conor is proven at this level. He was amazing last year. Bruce needs to get his head examined. Play him.. but not with Lansbury. They are shit together
  7. I like Bruce. If we can replicate the first half for 90 minutes we will be promoted. Problem is will we continue to be like the second half team like last year? If so then he needs to go. Now the issue is.. what happened at half time. Dr is saying it wasnt tactical. Sure seemed like it to me? Its a new team. Why would they be negative or getting into old habits? Playing Samba upfront has proven what ive been saying for ages.. WE NEED A TARGET MAN! We need a striker that can hold up the play and bring in the likes of Hogan and Gabby.. flick on headers for the pacy strikers. Link up the midfield. Sell McCormack and Amavi and make sure you get a farking good one. My other issue.. is Steve whinging about FFP. Well.. you had your chance to sell Bacuna and free some wages. Yet you started the tit. He is awful and a back up RB at best. We have enough of those. Should have sold him. Id rather we used Doyle Hayes.
  8. I am sorry but he is not Championship class. Hes a decent back up right back but hes not midfielder. Should have sold him when we had the chance. Why the hell did we sign Hourihane and not use him? Does my head in
  9. Didn't Ojo struggle at Wolves last season.. id rather play Callum OHare than use Liverpools overhyped youngsters. Montero.. he would be a great signing. Bums off seats type player. Don't remember the last one we had.. probably Young.
  10. We need a winger/forward and attacking midfielder still. Especially if RMC leaves and Grealish injured
  11. We may as well use him behind the striker
  12. same. Especially his kicking.
  13. thats why you should only follow Villa. Much cheaper I still want more information. I will be buying it regardless.. but surely theres preview show or something before the games? Be boring otherwise waiting till 2am for a match to start.....
  14. Probably be good for him to get a full season like Baker did when he went on loan. Get some games as he will only be back up here at this stage. 21 is still very young.. especially for his position.
  15. He most likely wont be the one. I think i might wait and see what people are saying about the quality etc. I think its a bit pricey.. i would pay it if there was other programs to watch.. like 1 hour match preview.. review... interviews etc etc. Will we have all that or is is just purely for the matches?
  16. He did some good things while he was on.. but again just doesnt do enough for me. He needs to be getting in the box more or taking shots. Not just turning and falling over everytime someone breathes near him so he gets a free kick
  17. To be fair he took 2 in pre season and buried them. Gomes has a ridiculous record saving pens.
  18. I thought Gabby was quite good.. not sure why hes getting criticism (on that performance).. Its just his finishing that is poor.. but he held the ball well and made some good runs. Worked hard off the ball. I hope he can take some of his chances more often but i wont hold my breathe. I think Gabby and Hogan upfront might be worth a go.
  19. If McCormack goes i can see us bringing in Hernandez or another striker. Possibly an AM. We havent done anything to sort out our goal scoring woes.
  20. Wow. You rate Cissohko.
  21. Stan did ok.. had some decent spells.. wasnt worth the money for sure.. but not a flop like RMAC or my personal favourite. Boskoooooooo
  22. Alan Nixon said a deal could happen for big money. Interesting. Whats big? 7-8?
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