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Everything posted by brommy

  1. Whilst Elphick arrived with a decent footballing reputation (certainly for our current level), unfortunately he seems to have suffered from the footballers equivalent of a golfer's 'yips'. He made a couple of early mistakes that were punished and it got to him. Ever since, he seems to be trying too hard which has lead to more errors and compounded his problem. There are way too many instances of the ball getting stuck under his feet or letting the ball bounce unnecessarily, for Elphick to be considered as a first choice pairing. Trouble is, whenever he's been given a run of games and had the chance to get his confidence back, he's made an occasional mistake and gone back to square one again.
  2. brommy


    Have you ever been threatened with an appetiser?
  3. He drinks L'amour with someone called Des. So what?
  4. Even if a player's contract is ending in 6 months, competing clubs can dictate what a players sale value is. If Connor is determined to join Villa this month, if not, he will see out his contract and leave for free in June, then Barnsley don't have much to stand on. The deal might be hanging on whether Barnsley are willing to take the loss of a fee in exchange for four more months of Hourihane's services.
  5. brommy

    Graham Taylor

    Such sad news. I met Graham a couple of times and he was very polite to me as a young man somewhat in awe of him. I was also at Goodison for his final game in his most successful period at Villa and remember the constant chanting of his name. It left the Everton fans stunned. My thoughts are with Graham's family and friends.
  6. Let VT know when you are about to wash them and we can remind you. Simples.
  7. brommy

    U.S. Politics

    Although I can imagine how journalists would be able to mimic his last few words and jerking movement as he was shot.
  8. The Communist party in Portugal also pushing for a referendum. Unlikely to get it in the short term. Can't see how Italy leaving would affect the UK as much as Italy and the remaining EU members, especially if the UK has already left.
  9. Is that what the Bank of England were referring to - Trump and the US is now a bigger risk to the UK economy than leaving the EU?Blimey!
  10. If 'brexit' is no longer the biggest risk to the UK economy, what is the biggest risk and can we have a new thread about it?
  11. Only if his cousin is more like a brother to him.
  12. Does it not add weight to the theory that their forecast was based on the affect on the economy, post leave result but pre-brexit?
  13. It's amusing but it misses the EU guy's response - "Good, because we won't listen until you've threatened to kill your hostage!"
  14. They won't be 'proven right or wrong' after 6 years, so certainly can't be proven just 6 months post referendum. It's on that basis that it surprises me how early some have derided others.
  15. 8500?! I've been to a basketball match with more Birmingham (Bullets) fans.
  16. I took your acknowledgement that economic analysis is debatable. I've re-read my comment after I quoted you and realise I should have included a term such as 'others' to ensure you didn't think I was accusing you.
  17. Yep. At the moment it's like we're trying to predict the outcome of a 90 minute game after the first couple of minutes when no one has even put a tackle in.
  18. If economic performance is what many in this thread seem to be focussing on in regard to the decision to leave and as you acknowledged, economic analysis is debatable, there can be no definitive right or wrong answer to the question. I'm therefore surprised there are so many posts in this thread that imply or directly call supporters of one side or the other, idiots or similar. It was a simple as that.
  19. Indeed. It does make it impossible to define whether the decision was correct. As such, I think it's poor to label either side as idiots or wrong.
  20. Economic history is littered with analysis that stands up to scrutiny to some and not to others. Beside the how much, if any, will the economy be affected, there will be those who think some price to pay will be worthwhile.
  21. How easy will it be to decide what any effect on the economy is directly because of the referendum result? It's not like we can run a control experiment where the UK remains for comparison purposes. Similar economies improve and stagnate, often at unexpected rates, with or without major changes. Economic markets usually don't like change so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone if there is some effect. It will be a long journey so it will take years afterwards to assess whether it was worth it. Even then we won't exactly know what mess or otherwise we'd have been in if we had remained.
  22. I recall a campaign warning of instant damage to the UK economy. Even those who voted leave that I have spoken to, expect there to be some affect on the UK economy during the exit itself. Only time will tell what the effect is and how long it will last. After that we'll all be able to debate whether the 'cost' was worth it; a subjective soup further clouded by guesses of how bad or good the UK would have been if we'd remained.
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