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Everything posted by brommy

  1. Not a single blose shirt in sight but perhaps the Villa shirts were being worn ironically!
  2. brommy

    The NSWE Board

    It feels like NSWE have really spotted the potential of the stage we're currently at. If we don't achieve reliable CL status within the next few years, it won't be for not trying. If only Ellis and Lerner had put so much thought and investment into our staff structure when we were knocking on the door of fourth under Little and MoN. Nevermind, here's to our NSWE future! Edited to correct the owner - manager timeline!
  3. A small sample size - I was at a barbers in Rubery for 20 minutes on Saturday morning. 4 football shirts were spotted passing on the high street. I'm pleased to say 3 were Villa (including a circa 1988 Hummel Mita Copiers home shirt) but the fourth was a lad in a man citeh shirt. I'm assuming it would have been a manu shirt around a decade ago.
  4. That could be difficult to enforce as it would be difficult to prove Villa weren't already interested in the same player(s) prior to Monchi switching to us.
  5. I expect Leicester will believe Barnes adds more value than £20m in their attempt to return to riches of the Premier League. Unless Barnes refuses to play in the Championship, I'd be very surprised if they accept less than £30m.
  6. I don't imagine the club will significantly change the designs to accommodate a couple of thousand extra seats. The next phase exactly doubles the current North Stand capacity of 6537 to 13074 with another 636 added to the Trinity and 235 added to the D.E. via the wraparound of the lower tiers. I guess where the new North Stands ends and the Trinity or D.E. begins on the lower tiers is dictated by which stand the seats are accessed from. If you count all the new seats as added capacity of the new North Stand work, it's capacity is 13945. Villa made a decision to keep some of the existing character of Villa Park by not doing a complete wraparound design and not enclosing the upper tier connections to the Trinity and D.E.. This has probably reduced the feasible capacity by a couple of thousand. Cons - Reduced potential income (assuming the success of the team means we fill those couple of thousand seats above the proposed 50k. Pros - Lower construction cost; Maintains more of the Villa Park identify; No awkward looking angles as the profile of the new North meets the differing profiles of the upper Trinity and D.E. stands (this is unavoidable for the lower wraparound); Slightly lower transport access concerns.
  7. That would be a catalogue of missed opportunities. Villa have obviously identified what the possibilities are and will tackle the issues at the first and best opportunity. It might add 5% or 10% and another month or two but on a project costing £100m+, probably over a two year timeline, it's very little pain for long term gain. Not doing it in the next phase, people would be looking back in a decade's time and saying - these facilities could have been so much better - why didn't they do it when the North Stand was rebuilt around 2025? Now the costs are even higher and Villa have missed out on a decade of improved facilities and income.
  8. As BBC Sport aren't on the VillaTalk speculation blacklist, I thought it valid to reference. In any case, during the off-season, VillaTalk exists on 95% speciation and opinion.
  9. Simon Stone at BBC Sport wrote - it was thought he [Purslow] was uneasy about the massive hike in season ticket prices Villa announced in April. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/65876630
  10. If that's a statement against the price rise, the BBC ran an article on Purslow leaving, saying he was unhappy at the rise. I wonder if the rise was ultimately forced by NSWE and not Purslow.
  11. Given the decades of underachieving since our League, European and 2 League Cups in 3 seasons heights, it's testament to our great fan base that even when Gerrard was here, we've had such a large waiting list and every game was 40,000 plus. Even over some poor seasons our fan base has increased over the past couple of decades. Sure, the waiting list of 30k+ could be described as inflated but it's only natural that the waiting list is dynamic, with fans' financial, geographical and family and health circumstances changing all the time. The extent of those reasons being used will depend on the quality of the football on offer, but I think only relegation would see us not sell out the future season ticket capacity of around 35k and thus end the waiting list. I'm pleased that over 29k of my fellow 30k season ticket holders have continued to commit but not so pleased if it means the club will take it as a sign to increase prices above next year's lower inflation rate. Ideally but also realistically, I'd like to see 52,000 at Villa Park with 40,000 season ticket holders all paying the same amount as now in real terms (allowing for inflation). However, I suspect Villa Park will stay at 50,000 for a good while after the next expansion and the club will restrict STs to 35,000, knowing that match day rate tickets are more lucrative.
  12. There's a difference between someone expressing an interest by putting their name on a no-cost waiting listing and actually committing the larger part of one thousand pounds for a season ticket. Assuming the club will continue to offer around 75% of home capacity to ST sales, the new North Stand will add around another 5500 season tickets and another 1900 match day tickets. If we perform well, those 5500 STs will probably be brought by the first 7000 on the list (there'll always be some that can't buy due to a change of various circumstances). Perform at a below mid-table level and more people will find a reason not to renew (especially given the current high prices), so in effect they'll be more than an additional 5500 STs to sell and, I believe a higher proportion of waiting list people will say 'thanks, but I can't at the moment', thus reducing the waiting list. I also expect many of those currently on the list form a high proportion of the 10k (12k with the new North) 'match day' tickets the club need to sell, so if the waiting list was hit hard by a combination of the extra capacity and poor performance, it could be an issue. As a season holder of 35 years, I think they previously represented okay value when we were playing average and good value when we were performing well. My concern now is the current demand for tickets will be further capitalised on by the owners. Another price hike like this summer's would be very, very disappointing to many fans who've attended through thick and thin. Hopefully the expansion to 50k and possibly 52k soon afterwards will help address the supply and demand balance and the owners won't pursue above inflation rises.
  13. I like to think the 50k capacity will be achieved, whatever happens on or off the pitch but if the UK gets awarded the 2028 Euros (decision this September, I believe), I'll be more confident. I'm sure the club will want to see what the demand for general seating and the financially rewarding corporate hospitality is, once the new North Stand has been built. The new North, increasing the number of season tickets by a guesstimated 5000, will give a good insight into how serious those on the waiting list are. If those extra STs are taken up by less than the first 10k on the list, leaving over 20k still waiting, that could drive whether they proceed with the next 2.2k phase (although it's still a mystery to the general public where in Villa Park this proposal will be, so hopefully Purslow didn't take the blueprints with him!). Conversely, if the team isn't performing well in the lead up to the North Stand opening, the waiting list could be dented significantly. This could put a medium term hold on further expansion as the club will know those left on the waiting list will form a key part of 'match day' sales, of which they'll still need around 15000 of. Success on the pitch will be absolutely critical to drive the expansion above 50k but I still think it'll be quite a few years before the stand on Witton Lane is rebuilt, not least because of the cost associated with the road, residential park and nearby occupied housing.
  14. Without my reading glasses, I had to zoom in to check that wasn't Bielsa in the middle! Congratulations go to ZED and their fans. Also, as already posted, their promotion can't harm our link/benefits.
  15. Winning it is a decent sized obstacle for us to overcome but that hasn't stopped me from noting the large reaction from the broad stream media and wondering how they'd cover us. This morning's BBC news' 'live updates', focused entirely on WHU's win, was pinned to their main news page. There's not many truly neutral fans that wouldn't pick Villa as the bigger club, so IF we were to win it next year, it will be interesting to see how national the media really is.
  16. Rumours of the sell-on share of the profit (£60.95m) due to sha vary from 15% (£9.1m) to 5% (£3m) as reported in German media. As ridiculous as £86m (100m Euro) is for any football player, Real will probably get good long term value from the deal, especially compared to the £100m Villa received for Grealish who was 6 years older when he moved. Just wondering if Dortmund will retire his shirt number, having played more games and created much more profit than for his previous club.
  17. 100m Euro, or £85.95m at the current exchange rate. As ridiculous as £86m for a football player seems, Real will probably get good long term value from the deal.
  18. I get what you're saying but I think that's still too much for most, especially as many are not fussed about the programme. £15 including 2 drinks (no programme) would see me spending £45 for my 3 ST family on a few occasions each season. At £75, I might do it once out of curiosity but I have a feeling the novelty would wear off and I'd end up feeling ripped off. I now have a vision of Obi-Wan Purslow waving his hand across me whilst saying 'You're not the football fan we're looking for'.
  19. I think they misinterpreted the survey results. I expressed an interest, naively thinking it might be a fiver each to enter and I'd treat my family of 3 ST holders a few times per season. I'm not sure if on the day access will even be available, but to commit £480 extra per season is too much for most. At just over £25 per game, it's too expensive even if it includes two pints and a programme.
  20. In fairness, they'd bite their 12th toe off to swap places with cov.
  21. That's great news. A fantastic player, key to our future success.
  22. brommy

    Unai Emery

    But he's not won a game since Sunday. Not yet cabbage worthy but the Brussels sprout is at hand.
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