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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. An energy company sympthasier at work said that the profits aren't profits because the put the money back into the network for improving piping, supply, renewable energy etc... Sorry, but even if that is the case that's not really whats important now is it? What's the point of improving the network if there's no-one there to pay for it?
  2. Need somebody with a pair of bollocks to sort all this shit out. Unfortunately we won't get anybody like that this side of the decade
  3. Won't be long until there's a full scale riot. Watch crime rise as people go to extreme measures to earn some extra cash. Police will be at breaking point and the Government will have us out at 7pm clapping them in support.
  4. It's effectively a double payment of the mortagage. I won't be able to do that.
  5. I really wish he'd stayed healthy with us. Hardly saw him play but when did he was immense
  6. Digne and Cash for width. Kamara to drop back to make a back 3 if needed when full backs go forward. Luiz and Ramsey box to box. Coutinho and Buendia pulling the strings, Watkins creating the space with his runs.
  7. Almost got me again Wordle 404 6/6*
  8. I assume this means we're going to be persisting with the Ings/Watkins combo.
  9. Oooo Tony Hawks. Awesome. Glad I didn't buy them!
  10. That's on the variable too. If I want to fix it for 1 year I can pay £350 p.m >_<
  11. My £92.00 a month DD with EON-Next finishes next month, surprised my fixed tariff has been held for so long to be honest. Current renewal price from them is £175 pm
  12. Next Thursday is going to be a piss take of a day with the area shut down for the cycling trials. 2 people at work have booked the day off to avoid the hassle
  13. I can't fathom how that body shape has occured tbh
  14. We need something better priced than GamePass in the UK. Ideally more reliable too.
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