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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Couldn't hit a crossbar. First out in the flinch game. He's done.
  2. FilmSaw #75 - https://filmsaw.com
  3. Just imagine how mild the weather might be now if we didn't have the government making it hotter using chem trails. *Shakes fist*
  4. FilmSaw #72 - https://filmsaw.com
  5. Idiots mate. I took mine out at 6:30 this morning and will take her again about 8:30 tonight. She’s only gone in the garden today for toilet breaks
  6. Why did they change the gameplay so much in Valhalla? It's more like a Souls game now rather than the classic Assassins Creed gameplay I enjoyed from the first batch (1, Ezio collection etc..)
  7. FilmSaw #71 - https://filmsaw.com
  8. FilmSaw #68 - https://filmsaw.com
  9. Black Ops Cold War is pretty decent at adding depth to the gameplay with the controller too.
  10. Yeah I hear ya. A few games have the trigger effect (shooters mainly). I've heard that the Harry Potter RPG coming up will really use the controllers abilitys to enhance the game, the Jedi sequel game has mentioned as much too.
  11. FilmSaw #67 - https://filmsaw.com Looked familiar but couldn't place it until the opposite side segment revealed itself lol
  12. I really don't know what to do with my PS5. I love it. I love games. I've got loads to get through. I just don't have the time to enjoy it and play them. Life is pretty busy with the dog, the lad and family stuff, and work. By the time I sit down it's around 9pm, have a coffee and watch an episode with the missus, I'm either ready for bed or already asleep on the sofa. The PS is upstairs, gathering dust bar the odd half hour I squeeze in. I'm debating selling it while the price is still relatively decent and just sticking with my Switch for the casual pick up and play gaming I get chance to do - but I really don't want to >_<
  13. My bad I thought it was todays
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