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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Is this from the same team that produced Manhunt-Unabomber. ?
  2. Enjoyed Inception, Insomnia and the Batman films. Everything else meh.
  3. On a similar note.... My window cleaner refusing any method of payment except cold hard cash. He makes no bones of it being undeclared earnings when I quizzed him.
  4. Just let me roll a grenade into a room with them lot in. Job done.
  5. Classic!! Kelly Lynch was FAF back then, looking ropey these days though. EDIT: Still would though.
  6. Tainted supplements and contaminated Mexican meat ahoy!!!
  7. Someone on here said it was complete pony, so based on that expert review I avoided it. Far better stuff out there to explore.
  8. Very good documentary, shocking but not surprising in equal measures. I noticed Chris Rock was pictured partying with Epstein and his pals.
  9. Narcos S1 & S2 are the only TV adaptations you need on Pablo. I doubt you'll hear a bad word spoken about them on this board.
  10. Feels like he's been here 8 years. Never ending contract.
  11. Half way through season 2 of Mr Mercedes. Brendan Gleeson is fantastic. If you can "acquire" the series, its worth it.
  12. Those attack dogs in that video don't mess about do they.
  13. I have Netflix, nowtv and prime. The GUI on the last two are like being transported back to the 80's and playing on my commodore 64. The guys at Netflix must be pissing their pants at the competition.
  14. The problem is they are getting a percentage of the sale. So keep jacking up the prices, more commission, bigger the property bubble gets and then pop. Everyone in the shit. Why oh why haven't purple bricks and their fixed price business model wiped out the high street agents?
  15. Sickening practice by the agents. I'm not selling anything and I can't save enough extra deposit to keep up with prices. I've noticed houses on the same street have a 10 grand increase in just 2 months, and to make it clear they were both very very similar.
  16. I've been viewing a few houses in the Stourbridge area since the lockdown was eased, and I've already noticed agents jacking up prices in such a short time. Utter utter cockroaches, the lot of 'em.
  17. I refuse to believe this statement. You must hang around with some real scum....murderers, serial rapists.
  18. Disneyworld has just reopened in Orlando. Madness.
  19. I look forward to the next ten pages of this thread discussing the Dambusters dog gravestone change....
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