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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Cameraman found a bit of snatch in the crowd, fair play.
  2. Joker. Has to be the best film I've seen this year, exceptional. Soundtrack was brilliant too (even the Gary Glitter song worked )
  3. I wish Marc Goddard would of let Usman get a few more shots in on Colby before stopping it. Never has a man deserved a right good smashing as much as that bellend.
  4. In other news the latest episode of The Mandalorian was the best yet, it was very very good.
  5. I can only think the gumshield wasn't sitting correctly and maybe played a part?
  6. Nowt wrong with a bit of ladyboy stuff once in a while
  7. Another vote for The Irishman here. Superb piece of story telling.
  8. I dont use a shield for my Plex server (I use a windows 10 machine in the spare room) , but I know its a supported device. Have a read here... https://support.plex.tv/articles/221099988-setting-up-and-managing-plex-media-server-on-nvidia-shield/ There are plenty youtube videos running you through the whole process. DM me if you have specific questions about Plex, I'll do my best to help.
  9. Just bought the next model up off the De'Longhi Refurb Ebay store for £190 with 12 months warranty.
  10. Put Plex Media Server on the Shield and watch your locally stored media everywhere in the world remotely.
  11. Just started Gotham, 2 episodes in and it seems harmless fun. I have Pennyworth ready to watch too but not heard much about it. Can anyone here recommend it?
  12. stuart_75


    You sir are a legend.
  13. I know this will be laughed at by most the music snobs on here, but Shed Seven at the O2 on Friday night was rather good. Great 90's nostagia for a 44yr old like myself.
  14. I watched the first episode last night after reading all the comments on here over the last few weeks. Still don't know what to make of it. Not sure I can be arsed to watch the rest of the season.
  15. I don't think he would break a sweat to be honest.
  16. Netflix have updated their app on the Roku devices, and guess what its now even worse. Great work Netflix.
  17. Youtubers "fighting" each other is borderline WWE in my opinion. Have to agree with previous comments about why should we respect people who have made money? The majority of mongs that subscribe to their youtube channels think subscribers = money = success. There lies the problem with society.
  18. It did not disappoint. Loved it every minute.
  19. I wish you could turn this feature off. I hate it with a passion.
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