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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. I heard him spit that out for the umpteeth time on air tonight. I'm starting to think he's either trolling them or just thick as mince. I also heard a bloozer say something about burning the ground down? Did I hear that right as I was just popping in to Screwfix at the time.
  2. The hour after the final whistle was glorious.
  3. I can think of 2 magnificent reasons why we should have way more Kat Dennings screen time.
  4. The first word from Erdo Pete tonight on WM..... Mate.
  5. Football porn listening to the commentary on Radio WM
  6. Half time getting thumped. Twitter says Slo-Mo is sat in the dugout and can't be arsed going to the changing room.
  7. Wannabe gangsters and disorganised crime.
  8. Just watched episode 1. After 30 mins I'm thinking "WTF is going on here?!?!?!" but once the concept was laid out it clicked into place. Its definitely interesting and I'm looking forward to where it goes.
  9. Was it Panorama? I watched and it didn't paint a good picture of the Mac the Knife org.
  10. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    This reminds me when being on holiday in Florida with a hire car. You'd always have to pay cash or card first at the till and say $30 on pump 2. Then proceed to fill and the pump would cut out on $30. Complete nightmare for trying to return the hire car with a full tank and you'd never know how much it was to brim it.
  11. I thought Yan had done enough to win that and I was a bit disappointed. It was very close mind you.
  12. Than standard of the UFC has moved on leaps and bounds while Mcnugget was chasing the big dollar against Mayweather. Just look at what Dustin did to him in his last 2 fights. Conor was great when he won the straps, but since then the standard is so much better and he's been left behind to a degree.
  13. You wanna get that checked out ASAP.
  14. Didn't Vauxhall do an Astra about 20 years ago that did LPG? Rare as hens teeth mind you.
  15. I've got this all acquired and ready to start binging through.
  16. I'm enjoying this too. Really like the filming style with bits of 70's style grainy film dropped in here and there.
  17. Sharing with Solihull Moors would be a better fit.
  18. The TV series was pretty good with the Irish fella from The IT Crowd.
  19. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    What he said. Water will always take the path of least resistance in a central heating system with the radiator farthest away from the boiler or the water having to go round lots of bends heating up the slowest. Its very much a dark art getting the system balanced.
  20. I found this interview a powerful and insightful look into the shadowy world of 1970's green bowling in the Channel Islands.
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