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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. It's the long pauses that make me laugh. It's like trying to talk to someone on a dodgy satellite phone from the Phillipines.
  2. Slithering away with his pot of cash and 2 premier league medals he didn’t earn. Still, at least he can tell the grandkids about how he shafted his former club in the most despicable way in order to get a front row seat watching others win the league.
  3. The Mrs talks complete gibberish most of the time so I’m used to it.
  4. Just finished Ms Marvel tonight. Really enjoyable. Much better than I was expecting and genuinely got better with each episode. Some really funny moments playing on the Asian/Muslim elements. On to She Hulk. Again it’s one that I’m not going into with high expectations.
  5. He’s already trying to manufacture a “win condition” with these fake referenda. The fact they’ve even done this is as close you’ll get to an admission they don’t think they can now defeat Ukraine conventionally and are now at a point where they feel they’re ready for this to end. That’ll require Ukraine give up those regions which is something I don’t think they’re prepared to do. Traditionally, wars end once both sides don’t think they can achieve anymore on the battlefield. Russia looks like they’re there, but are Ukraine?
  6. Isn't the problem that these pipelines are running through international waters? How do you intercept the sub of a country that we aren't at war with and on what legal basis do we tell the Russians they can't be in international waters?
  7. Attract workers who wont want to come because the money they earn here now is a hell of a lot less valuable than the money they earned here 10 years ago. Also, this new nations thing is a political concept, not a trading bloc. It's only designed to get some kind of cordial dialogue on policitical matters. It won't at all result in less trade barriers.
  8. Are the two options mutually exclusive? These are the people who decided to take us out of the largest free trade area in the history of mankind without a plan for what came after beyond "we'll have our cake and eat it" and "the German car industry will get us a good deal". They know the country is well and truly **** and they have no idea how to fix it so they're stuffing as many notes into their backers gstrings before they get turfed out. The problem now is that I genuinely don't think the problems are solvable without basically reforming everything. The tax system, the welfare system, the NHS, the political structure, the electoral system, I could genuinely go on. All are totally broken. Where do you even start trying to fix this mess?
  9. Got to vote Tory next time though as they're the only ones who know how to manage the economy. Imagine the mess those Liebour communists would make
  10. Pound tanking through the floor this morning as loads of investors dump their Sterling because, shock horror, they think the government is being completely reckless with the economy. Lowest ever rate against the dollar. Talk of another interest rate rise to stave off a complete run on the currency which will mean more hell for anyone with a mortgage due up soon (I’m lucky I’m fixed until 2025). By any standard, if you’ve managed to destroy the country in less than a month in the job that’s impressive. In a scary way I mean. How long until the next election? And will there be a country by then?
  11. The big takeaway from all this is that the Russians will be in no position to do anything for years once all this is done. That and NATO have nothing at all to fear from Russia on the battlefield. The Russians now know that they would need to go nuclear in the event of any future conflict. It’s their only option. We all know where we stand now.
  12. Certainly sounds right. I had it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and that’s exactly the symptoms I had.
  13. I think this might be the point where the Tories have realised they’ve no chance at the next election and they have truly **** the country so have decided to stuff as much cash in their pockets before getting thrown out.
  14. Does anyone think the Ukrainians should go further than just pushing the Russians back to the border? It would be quite a thing to see if Ukrainian forces decided to capture a couple of towns just over the border inside Russia. Not saying there's any prospect of them advancing on Moscow or anything but how do you think the world and Putin would react if they decided to humiliate him in his own back yard?
  15. Horrible performance last night. Just about got the job done and deserved against a really poor side. That’s 2 wins this season, both where you can say that the quality of the opposition had more influence on the outcome than anything we did. At this stage I’ll take points on the board as results can breed confidence which breeds performances but **** me he needs to sort this out and fast. It’s an entertainment business and I don’t think a single villa fan can have walked away last night feeling they got their moneys worth.
  16. Been a half of 2 halves. Last 20 mins we really started to assert ourselves and deserve the lead. Southampton have been shocking.
  17. I'm kind of torn on this. The Queen was supposed to be a-political so to see the government stepping in to exclude this country and that country doesn't really seem in keeping with that. I would have thought there might be a good opportunity to get Vlad out of his echo chamber, away from the military hawks and use what is a moment for the country and the world to try and get some kind of dialogue open to end the war. I get why they've done it in the interests of keeping him isolated and there's definitely an argument for that but I think it could have been seen as an opportunity.
  18. I think the problem is that the people who want to have a grown up discussion about the future of the monarchy really haven’t been heard at all for years. It was hoped that once the queen was gone that maybe there would be that chance before the country jumped feet first into something with a new monarch. Thats not how the monarchy or the constitution works though. When one dies the next is immediately sovereign. There’s no period of transition or discussion and that’s really going to annoy people who want to have those conversations. I do wish the police would find some other way of dealing with it other than to arrest people who’ve done very little wrong, even if what they’re doing is in pretty poor taste (and I agree with their position fyi), ill judged and potentially dangerous to themselves. In fact with regard to the man who was arrested after being pulled to the ground by another spectator he was assaulted and they need to arrest the other guy.
  19. Strangely beautiful if you disregard what it is or the horror of what it does.
  20. The timing of that is so poor but I don't think he'll be the only person of colour with those sentiments. Talksport need to be careful the line they take on it as well as they're now caught between a gammony wall that'll want him chucked out and the perception that they're trying to gag a black guy for daring to talk about racism.
  21. The TV is going to be absolutely shite tonight. Thank god for American steaming services.
  22. I'm of the same mind. This team should be too good to go down regardless of who is in charge.
  23. Like you I'm in a 1950s house. We have loft and wall insulation but the windows are single glazed and the doors are in need of replacing. It's freezing in the winter and we have bad condensation on the windows. Can I get any kind of grant for this? No. Next door adjoining my house is a council tenant. They've just had theirs done on the council. Not jealous (ok, I'm a little jealous) but I guess the logic is because I can afford to own my house I should be able to afford to replace the windows and doors but I don't think I'm alone in that I'm "working poor". The system stinks.
  24. Still lying about 40 new hospitals and the thousands of new nurses and police I see. Absolutely disgusting. Covid really could have done us all a favour and killed this dangerous halfwit.
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