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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. I would like to add my vote to Julia Bradbury. For some reason though, I have it in my head that she's not really into the menfolk. Dunno where I got that idea from.
  2. Is Chicago still on the Strand? You could try the Savoy, Smollensky's or Simpsons. Actually, breakfast at Simpsons is teh orsm.
  3. I am pleased to see that Rob's impending nuptials haven't blunted his edge.
  4. Crikey Mikey. Happy birthday old chap.
  5. I cannot stop looking at this pic! wow Maybe this will help?
  6. Anthony


    Brilliant for him, brilliant for you. Well done both.
  7. Alex Salmond is a sad man. Prepare for two years of him highlighting the differences between us, just to feed his own bitterness. I shall continue to do what I always try to do, which is focus on what we have in common. The debate will doubtless focus on who gets the most taxes or who generates the most, i.e. the differences between us. How about talking about how we're stronger together? Just suppose he'd been born in the Balkans. Or Somalia. Or Nigeria. It's all about him and him establishing his own fiefdom.
  8. You are me. I find that the better my TV setup becomes, the less I watch it.
  9. About the bets he laid? I have no evidence whatsoever, but my suspicions are mounting.
  10. Good touch from Hutton just then. Christ, did I just type that?
  11. You gotta think in 4 dimensions with this team. e.g. Heskey runs them ragged for ages without scoring, then he comes off for Gabby who then proceeds to clean up against a tired, managerless and out of form league two defence.
  12. Here is a link to the TED talk about the origins of the stage show puppets. Pretty impressive. And no, I won't be going to see the film either.
  13. Awesome recording of a chap on my local bus (The 242 in London). Communicating with dead people? I'm sure it just a coincidence that the first stop is right outside the mental health unit.
  14. Get a dishwasher. And live on your own. Sorted.
  15. Anthony

    Do you read?

    @ Mike and Rodders Have you read Graham Greene's The 3rd Man? Set in immediate post war Vienna, which was split into sectors just like Berlin. Beautifully written. Very atmospheric. Of course there's also the film with Orson Welles, but read the book! The short story 'The Fallen Idol' is kinda creepy too.
  16. You could always, y'know, stick to the speed limits...
  17. Mike, re Dickens... I thought it was just me, thank you. Though I disagree on the 2 dimensional characters bit though. One at most.
  18. When I used to have a job I often felt the same. Right now my income is £50 a week, with no end in sight.
  19. This. Best thing though is watching the girls behind them pointing and laughing.
  20. Anyone who *wants* to be a head of state should be automatically disqualified. The only alternative is being born into it or the suggestion above as a kind of year long compulsory jury service, although the sacrifice at the end could maybe come through some kind of phone in poll on Talksport.
  21. It does work. It takes a while to kick in tho - a few weeks. They key though is that in order to 'get better' you should have a mix of pills and different types of therapy, ie a program of sorts. Pills by themselves will have an effect, but are kind of a waste of time on their own. Like a plaster cast without crutches. See your GP and ask for a comprehensive going over. Ooer etc.
  22. Late to this one. Dante my good fellow, yup, it's crap.*High Five*. Umm, you've shared it with us, which I guess was your first step. Much wisdom above my post, but I guess the key is go to your GP: he/she will not sort your stuff out, but their job is to point you the right way. PM me for confidential advice: I've been hospitalised twice through it and have come out the other side a happier and more effective chap.
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