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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Rebekah Brooks being torn apart by Edis at the Old Bailey.
  2. Washing up. When I was a kid there were four of us boys at home, so you can imagine how much washing up there was. Once we'd all grown up and moved out my parents bought a dishwasher. Bastards. When I was looking to buy a flat the estate agent asked my what features I wouldn't compromise on. I said, "Space for a dishwasher."
  3. This. Not sure how long it will last though. It's all about the logo.
  4. Anthony

    Science Thread

    Science is a METHOD for asking questions. That's it really.
  5. I did it, but changed back. There are some apps that really don't like it - Whatsapp doesn't work, or at least didn't when I tried it. I can't remember noticing a huge difference, but now you mention it I might give it another go... I did it, but changed back. There are some apps that really don't like it - Whatsapp doesn't work, or at least didn't when I tried it. I can't remember noticing a huge difference, but now you mention it I might give it another go...
  6. More details needed. She's 5 or 6 Fixed. Mate, get help.
  7. That's just shitty. No wonder you feel crap. Have a virtual hug from me. A thing I remember reading about the Boston bombings was people saying 'people are bastards', then others saying, 'well some are, but look at all the people running to help'. I'm pleased for humanity that a member of the public came to your aid.
  8. You think they confused it with angel cake ? Nope, angel dust
  9. I'm going to find you a nice ladyfriend So selfless Baselayers. You know that he has a Mustang, beautiful hair AND a heroic collection of wrestling figurines, yet you're prepared to allow one of your friends in the queue before you? Man, that's just beautiful.
  10. IMO the S5 is a bit of a snore fest really, but that's less down to Samsung and more down to new mobile phones being more evolutionary, rather than revolutionary. Rather than gimmicks like a finger print sensor or heart rate sensor, can't they just sort the **** batteries out instead?
  11. Yeah, but for how long? I'd suspect it would be at her majesty's pleasure.
  12. Back on the backup topic, I've started using Younited and it's pretty seamless. Very impressed.
  13. Nothing like an open topped bus tour to cure a hangover. This weekend I shall be twiddling my thumbs once more.
  14. I reckon Teemu Selänne is also not yet at his peak. So you favour the US over Canada then?
  15. You have to wear a Villa hat or scarf. It's the LAW. Seriously though... 'kin nice one. *fumms upp*
  16. Sod won't respond on twitter either.
  17. I think, to be fair, most Scots realise that a vote for independence is not the same as a vote for the SNP. If they end up breaking away the SNP will be a fringe party at best.
  18. It seems that the whole notion of nationhood and the artificial iconography of shortbread and tartan, which was imposed upon the Scottish by the Prince of Wales, has distracted them from the truth; that their enemies are not those defined by nationality, but by class and money. Scotland is already a rich country and certainly richer than the West Midlands, and independence will not lead to a mass conversion of the haves into people who will want to share their money with the have-nots. Whether it was the above mentioned Darien scheme or the land clearances, it was the rich who sold Scotland's independence for thirty pieces of silver, and perpetrated the ethic-cleansing which were the Highland clearances. The same people still possess their stolen assets and have perpetuated the built-in inequality over centuries and which still remains the worst Europe. These people are not patriots in any sense which will stop them moving their assets to other areas of the global economy if it suits them. They may not burn your cottage down these days but they certainly can destroy the economic base which employment depends upon. The Scottish should no more trust Salmond than they should Cameron. One makes promises he cannot deliver and the other is just a toff with some PR training and with highly visible class interests. The Scottish should vote for devolution-max, which keeps the security of the union but provides enough freedom to tweak an unfair system. Spot on with your first sentence MMV. As for your last sentence, it's not on the ballot so not an option. Funny that eh?
  19. If I wasn't so skint I'd take you out for a pint down the Jackdaw and Stump in Homerton, then exercise anxiety would be the least of your worries.
  20. Ah, but did you drive through a puddle, or did you manage to miss them all? Either way, I reckon there's a Daily Mail story here somewhere.
  21. Think I'm going home now. On the bus probably. Not sure which bus to get. I could get the 236 which goes straight home, or I could maybe get the 55 bus or the 48 bus and get off at at Tesco. I could also get the 106 bus. Or even the 254 bus actually.
  22. It's the British Army uniform.
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