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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Anthony

    World War 3

    Well yesterday North Korea sent a message to South Korea that they will strike without warning. They sent it by fax...
  2. he's a cockney what would he know Never trust a Brummie with a cockney accent. Fack awf you caaaaant
  3. Did she say, "Yes I'm on VillaTalk" or, "Who the hell are you?"
  4. Hey, has anyone interacted with Jenny on twitter? Just wondering...
  5. I have no idea who this is. congratulations, **** yeah! Thank you, but my Christmas present for you is... Google Stoya. You're welcome.
  6. You'd have to come up with a reasonable explanation for having the knife in the bedroom though. SOP for the cops in that situation would be to arrest you, and investigate you a bit. That would involve your web history, which would lead them... Here...
  7. You know you can hide bitstrip...
  8. I totally got a mention from Stoya on twitter. My work here is done.
  9. Oh, and something that cheers me up... not that I'm going to be selling up any time soon, but my flat has more than doubled in 'value' since I bought it in 2005. Prices round here are **** insane.
  10. Good point and well spotted. It's the floor tile bottom left is totally straight, yeah?
  11. mind = blown The above phrase. Usually next to some anonymous link which is either a) malware, or b ) not at all mind blowing in any way, but possibly vaguely interesting.
  12. On the VT app, when it says, "You've reached the end of the thread" I always read it as "You've reached the end of the Internet"
  13. Sports Personality of the Year awards? I always thought that the reward for being good at sport was, you know, winning.
  14. Oh this. Not that I've had any cash to withdraw since the summer, but god it pisses me off. You can check your balance on your phone, on your computer, you can phone them up. If you could get cash or via your poor phone then it wouldn't annoy me so much.
  15. Just got the 4.4.2 update on my N4. So in honour of this rather momentous moment, I present to you Blondie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIkXaHGY7Bc
  16. Happy birthday Wainy. Don't fret too much about getting old. It's all good.
  17. Can I hug VT? Does that count?
  18. I follow you. Do you follow me? No. Do you respond to any tweets? No. I think you are a figment of Voinjama's imagination. Humbug etc
  19. I've been on this forum for 10 years. It's about time I had a break and maybe have a shower or something.
  20. Oh, man, Tegis just stickied the thread. Back on topic, has anyone got the update for their N4 yet?
  21. He's from Oklahoma. I'm working overseas. Even stranger. Why would a Bible-thumper choose to move to the Middle East, of all places? To convert the non-xtians. Israel in particular attracts all kind of evangelical weirdos - not just xtians...
  22. Some of the more recent gifs in the gifs thread. Cheers guys.
  23. Sertraline for me at the moment. Rob did you find that on mirtazapine you spend every waking hour obsessing about food?
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