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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. As a kid I had to remove the painted over woodchip paper in my bedroom, by myself with just a scraper and a sponge. From the ceiling.
  2. The mess also pisses me off. Was in a car on the motorway and the scrotes in the car in front were doing balloons and chucking the cartridges out the window. What really pisses me off though, is the government approach to solutions. "What this needs is more laws". We don't need more **** laws. There are enough laws to prosecute people already, how about putting some resource into just enforcing the ones we already have? "More laws" is just playing to the gallery of "something must be done", when actually it will do **** all except introduce a greater time/resource/admin/financial burden on those who have a legitimate use for the stuff. End of rant.
  3. Quick brainfart: Maybe we in the UK have a bit of ego invested in 'understanding people and situations due to our history of empires and being all great and all that', so when we don't get it quite right we feel like some kind of failure?
  4. I airways hated the Spotify interface and app. So non-intuitive. I use Youtube Music, which is shit in a different way, but at least it mostly works.
  5. Andor is peachy. Mandalorian is just bad. Kind of like Airwolf or The A Team bad.
  6. Nearly. I was working. And straight. As was he. Still gave it a damned good go though.
  7. I used to work in Our Price and people would hum things to me. I remember this huge tank of a guy coming in and just generally looking intimidating as ****. He then asked me if I knew this thing that had been going round in his head. I expected it to be some crap pop-rap stuff which I wouldn't know, causing him to lamp me, but it turns out it was Vangelis Conquest of Paradise. I recognised it and found it for him. He had the biggest grin ever. Good times.
  8. I'm with the Swedes on this. I've had food poisoning too many times to trust any restaurant with pink burgers, and the first time I ended up in hospital with food poisoning? Burger not cooked properly. Everything has bacteria on the outside; red meat, humans, keyboards, trees, you name it. Chicken has bacteria all the way through, which is why you cook it all the way through, and red meat doesn't need to be cooked all the way through. If red meat is raw when you grind it, then all that bacteria on its surface gets ground up and distributed throughout the burger, and is only killed if the burger is cooked all the way through. This is why I will NEVER eat a burger that is any way pink in the middle. Additionally, if a burger joint offers to cook you burger 'rare' or 'medium rare', then eat elsewhere; they don't understand basic food hygiene. God knows what else they're **** up. Run very fast.
  9. Oh yeah! See my post further up the thread. I have a closer friend who deals with kids with adhd, and she says that it can sometimes take a while to get the right medication - lots of trial and error, but when they get the right meds it's transformational. Stick with it. I'm rooting for you.
  10. What he's saying @villakram, is that the US has done some really bad things and should be condemned. Russia has done some bad things and should be condemned. It's not 'either/or' The key part is that they are separate issues when deciding who to condemn. It's not that if you condemn Russia, you can't condemn the US, or that if you condemn the US, you can't condemn Russia. I want to see the war criminals from the illegal Iraq invasion held to account. I also want to see the war criminals from the illegal Ukraine invasion held to account. It's not like you can only pick one Baddie, and therefore the other ones must be Goodies.
  11. First thing my gf and I talked about was, but it's it really him? Also I'm not a betting man, but hands up who thinks he really flew in by helicopter? And he went there at night. How bizarre. Was it because in daylight people might see it's not really him? Or is because due to the curfew they can much more easily control who's out and about? So much bollocks.
  12. Anthony


    I suppose the question to ask yourself, is "Does this negatively impact my life?" It seems like it did when you were younger. Now you're stable. And reading what you wrote, it seems that in the future you expect it to negatively impact you again. What a diagnosis could give you is a specific set of tools to help you navigate through issues, e.g. "If you're autistic we know that XYZ won't help you at all, so don't waste your time, but we do know that ABC really can help."
  13. Ah, I missed all that. I only went back a few pages to look for it. In my defence, it was very late at night. Anyway, my friend enjoyed it. The film started with bad dialogue, bad direction and wooden acting, but improved. Some really good conic timing in there throughout too. Overall a big thumbs up. So my friend says.
  14. Asking for a friend, but can we post about Cocaine Bear in this thread, or is there a special 'Sort of crap, but really quite well done' film thread?
  15. Bacon. Stop putting **** bacon on my burger. Yeah, I really want to bite into a burger and have a whole rasher of bacon come out of it and hang on my chin. And the flavour of bacon dominates everything it's put on, so leave my **** burger alone you words removed.
  16. Anthony


    Steve Jackson Games hq in Austin, Texas. Massive, massive part of my youth.
  17. My understanding of how it works (or doesn't) is fine. I could certainly do better on getting my terms right though.
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