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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. Corbin really bores me. If he came along 20 years ago he'd have worn a mask and barely spoke.
  2. Just noticed the socks are claret on the home. I'd far prefer blue, looks more Villa.
  3. Generally sports design has been getting simpler and simpler for 15 years after the garish wackiness of the 80s and 90s. The Tottenham and Chelsea kits might be the most extreme examples i've seen of oversimplicity though. Badges will naturally follow, especially with good design insisting that a logo required to meet such a wide range of display purposes be as scalable as possible. Really looking forward to @NurembergVillan 's post on the matter. I'm fascinated by this sort of stuff.
  4. I don't love Unibet as a sponsor for these kits. The playful nature of the various angles of the letters in balls clashes with the home shirt especially, which is otherwise going for a very classy look. It really work well with the shirt. I haven't bought an away in a while, it's probably time.
  5. I think people are underestimating the effect on-field leadership can have on a club. Remember a couple of years ago when the players were basically totally out of control, unfit, didn't look like they cared, slagging off fans on twitter and the like? Culture is everything and getting people in who have a positive influence on your culture can completely turn a club around.
  6. We have our 20 week scan on Saturday morning. It's a mixture of nerves and excitement, you just want everything to be normal and okay. I can feel the baby moving around quite obviously from the outside at this point, it's wonderful. The missus is really starting to show, and aside from being pretty tired she's doing really well.
  7. Not if qualifying is complete and you haven't qualified. Plus all the sponsorship dollars and money that is made in the qualifying without actually having to go to Qatar, which is the real problem here.
  8. You can either complain about outrageous wages and be shit or pay them and have a chance i'm afraid.
  9. Teams would be better of boycotting as late as possible, because there's still a significant chance that it's moved. You'd feel silly if you boycotted early and then the tournament was moved.
  10. I don't recall any recent dreams, although my missus did tell me that I was talking quite extensively about Darth Vader and Chewbacca in my sleep the other night. I stopped before she could get her phone out to record.
  11. It's just further evidence that ISIS are targetting for recruitment the most vulnerable, pathetic people in society who have nothing else going for them, because if they had anything else going for them they'd be capable of killing at least 1 person in an attack. What a shit effort. Imagine all that time building yourself up to commit a terrorist attack and being the only person that is injured or dies. Great work to the Police and soldiers for putting down the threat and the civilians who brought this to their attention and helped avoid any casualties.
  12. I sort of apply Pascal's Wager but in the opposite direction. We have no idea what happens after we die. I personally believe that there is nothing at all after death. But even if there is some form of afterlife, we don't know whether how we behave in this life has anything to do with it, so why spend your life worrying about it? Live life to the fullest now because it's the only life you can be sure that you'll have.
  13. What might finally bring FIFA down properly is all the major countries boycotting this tournament on ethical and safety concerns. I'd hope as we get closer to 2022, a few big name teams do the right thing and boycott, and then the rest follow.
  14. Absolutely for signing Terry. He's played most of his career as a leader in an exceptionally successful Chelsea outfit. That sort of leadership and experience could be absolutely massive in our chances of going up this season.
  15. I am a left winger who would consider Men's Rights Activists to be the absolute worst pocket of humanity but jesus christ what a pack of raving lunatics those women are.
  16. Go and get your name ticked off but fail to fill out the paperwork correctly. That could be anything from not filling it out at all to drawing an enormous penis to my personal favourite, drawing your own box, writing Steve Waugh next to it and putting a 1 in the box.
  17. It's also why the campaigns urging people to vote are so important. People that don't vote or vote informally are much more likely to be young people, and young people are much more likely to vote progressively. Something like 3,000,000 eligible people don't vote properly every Australian federal election. That's 3,000,000 out of 17,000,000 eligible people who either aren't enrolled, don't turn up or vote informally. The vast majority of those people are young or low on the socioeconomic scale, both groups who are more likely to vote left of centre. The youth don't have to be particularly passionate, they just have to vote. Last Australian election I spent weeks on facebook sharing things like VoteCompass and telling people if they don't care enough to pay attention, take a 5 minute quiz then vote for whoever the test tells you to vote for. Next election, don't tell people who to vote for, just tell them to vote properly for whoever they like. If everybody votes, the entire Political landscape moves significantly left.
  18. Yep. I reckon you'd find if you held the election again a week later Labour would do even better. This is absolutely a real thing that happens. Lots of the "i'll vote informal/won't vote because my vote wont count" types would actually vote properly if they realised how much their vote might actually matter.
  19. Minority governments are always a disaster for whoever ends up in charge because it's incredibly difficult to get anything done or keep any of your election promises. We had the same issue recently in Australia under the Gillard Labor government. Corbyn might actually be well served to not fight May particularly hard on this one, watch the Conservatives totally implode as May desparately clings to power, then set up a vote of no confidence (or whatever other mechanisms there are to force an election in the UK) and win the subsequent election in a landslide, where real change will be able to be made.
  20. Am I right in saying that the DUP have links to actual terrorist organisations? After the Tories campaigned hard on Corbyn being a terrorist sympathiser? Not only does May not have the good decency to fall on her sword, but she wants to form a coalition with an insane terrorist party. Jesus.
  21. I completely disagree with the notion that we should currently have a manager who we think can compete for the top honours in Europe. That just isn't realistic at all right now, and isn't relevant at all to the title of this thread, getting out of the Championship. I don't think for a second that Bruce is capable of taking us to a Premier League title, but that sort of thing is still several years and a lot of building away. What I do believe he can do is make us really difficult to beat and get us out of the Championship, which is step 1.
  22. Again, his last 3 full seasons in the Championship ended in promotion.
  23. Looking more closely at his record, his last 3 full seasons in the Championship have seen his side get promoted. That's an astonishing record in a difficult league. I'm not sure what more he could do at this level to prove that he's capable. He hasn't fared as well in the PL, but he hasn't exactly been managing established PL sides, and ultimately I don't care what his Premier League record is, his job at this stage is to get us promoted. He might not take us back to "where we'd like to be", but he's definitely got the runs on the board for me to be confident that he can achieve the first step in that, which is promotion to the Premier League.
  24. This is silly. Bruce hasn't spent 20 seasons in the Championship. As I said, I don't think he's leading us to the PL top 4, but he would have a better record in our division than most and he's never had the financial support he has now. The club has been through an incredibly tumultuous few seasons with several managers and a change in ownership, as well as almost the entire squad being turned over. You can't keep going like that, you need to settle and let things gel.
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