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Everything posted by Farlz

  1. I have no doubt in my mind if we had Benteke or even Kozak up front we'd of scored 1 or 2 in the first half today. We were putting in some superb crosses but Gabby struggles with most things, never mind trying to out jump Coloccini. Defence was absolutely superb once again, Delph had a good game as well. We're just really lacking up top, once Benteke is back we'll be fine imo.
  2. Not looking forward to this, Newcastle looked quite good against City. I can see them causing us a lot of problems. A point would be fantastic, I'm not getting my hopes up though.
  3. Top performance from him today, pleased for him. Hope he somewhat gets a decent reputation back for himself as all other fans just seem to think he's useless. I absolutely love that pic of him throwing his shirt into the crowd after the game as well.
  4. Gabby and Weimann... ffs.
  5. Absolutely delighted with this, great signing!
  6. £12m for Shane Long has got to be one of the worst bits of business this summer.
  7. He was superb when he came on, very impressed. I'd really like him to start against Stoke but I think he'll remain as a sub.
  8. Bloody hell that game was boring at times, however there was moments of decent play from us which is a positive sign. Grealish was superb when he came on, not scared of who's in front of him and just goes at them. Very good to see. Delph MOTM was an odd one, would of been Hutton for me personally, who I thought once again was great.
  9. For how little he's going to cost I'm fairly pleased with this signing.
  10. I was a huge Gabby fan but it's just incredibly annoying seeing him in the side now, doesn't do anything.
  11. Weimann and Gabby really are just useless.
  12. Bloody hell this is awful
  13. Seems like Sam Allardyce wants to get rid of Ravel Morrison. Highly doubt it would happen but I'd love him at Villa. I think he's a really good player, just his attitude can let him down.
  14. I don't know if he did actually touch it but there's a video going about showing his penalty might of actually rolled in
  15. He's a lot better than Luna and Bennett so Richardson is a good signing in my opinion.
  16. That performance tonight has proved to a lot of people that he's actually a very good defender. Gutted he missed his pen but that shouldn't get in the way of a top class showing from him. Well done, Ron.
  17. Take a bow, Ron. Absolutely superb performance from him.
  18. I wouldn't have a problem at all with this signing. He'd be a good player for us.
  19. Absolutely love both kits this year, they look superb in my opinion.
  20. Watch out for Ciro Immobile. Been watching him for a few seasons now, very good striker. Really should start ahead of Balotelli.
  21. Senderos is absolutely terrible. How incredibly depressing is that.
  22. I'm not that bothered about Keane. Senderos though? Jesus Christ.
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