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Everything posted by DeepDish

  1. I think Randy Lerner will appoint Bob Bradley this summer. He is managing Stabæk in Norway now, a team that has had its financial crisis and cut away all the older players and promoted the youth team players. The team got promoted back to the top division and now it seems that Bradley will stop another relegation against all odds. It will get Lerner another manager who do not need a decent amount of resources to keep Aston Villa in the league.
  2. It really is. It's just a handful who can't admit they were w Wrong. When was it you found out that you were wrong with the extreme optimism and enthusiasm in the summer when we bought Luna, Helenius, Okore and Tonev early in the summer?
  3. If you think Lambert and O'Neill are stubborn, wait to you get to know Uwe Rösler. BTW, I think Rösler is just another gamble like we gambled with Lambert (though Lambert had achieved a lot more than Rosler. I know Uwe Rösler from the Norwegian league. First, he is not the same quality as Staale Solbakken (the best manager from Norwegian League) or Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Second, his results were not good enough in what was a very crappy league. He was sacked at Lillestrom in 2006 and then sacked from Viking 2009. He is also a quite nasty fellow. In his biography he tells about how he kicked his teammate Torgeir Bjarmann (who had laid down on the ground) again and again with the ball until Bjarman was bleeding all over his face.
  4. They surely would've gone down with Hughton though. And I don't know how poyet can be considered a poor manager. Results can hardly be viewed as great. 15 losses out of 33!
  5. Solskjaer says to Dagbladet that he is worried because some of the players are not loyal!!
  6. I think Norwich will go down now. Morons at the top who sack the manager with just 5 matches to go. They will be accompanied by Solskjaer and Cardiff and Poyet and Sunderland. Two poor managers goes down and one team with a poor managerial decision go down.
  7. LOL, what a moronic club. Sacking the manager with 5 matches to go just really show how big the idiots at Norwich are.
  8. I think he lost me today (luckily, I did not see the Stoke match last weekend). Wait until summer and ged rid. Then wait two seasons to see if the replacement is any good. The horror being a Villa fan.
  9. Buying Kozak is one of the last sticks I am gonna beat him with. The tactics, team selections, stubbornness etc on the other hand...
  10. I hope we get a new manager in the summer.
  11. Yep. And I am glad he is not playing at Villa Park. He would have been eaten alive by the fans.
  12. Comments from Owlstalk not looking good: "Firstly Gary Gardner has yet to impress me in any game.He seems to offer very little and goes through the motions Very average player and doesn't work hard neither Only decent game was Huddersfield away" "I agree. Gardner is cr4p." "We've got a load of central midfielders but not many I'd want to hang on to." "For me Gardner hasn't done enough, but we don't have anyone else." "Gardner was at an all you can eat Chinese buffet on Thursday night, so he'll still have been full and probably had squits as I ate the same as him and I have." "Would rather play Mccabe or Corry Gardner has been a complete waste of space in every game. " "Gardner could be good but its a "could"" "Neither Coke or Gardner are doing what we need them to do." "Gardner- not been great as he? " And a few more positive posts: "Only just come back from a serious injury, far too soon to write him off. They were all poor today apart from Helan. " "Gardner is too good for the rest of our Midfield, he'll go a lot further than we will in the next 5 years. " "I think Gardner will come good he's been injured and it takes time. Don't get on his back we could have a player on our hands here." "Gardner is too early to tell, obviously fitness is still not there."
  13. I think we need 6 points. And if we get 6 points, none of these three teams must fail in getting 18 points for Fulham (due to goal difference), 17 points for Cardiff (due to goal difference) and 14 points for Sunderland for us to go down.
  14. Lots of managers could do better. But I do not think it s a wise thing to push the panic button now. We will get an even better manager in the summer than we do now if we sack Lambert now.
  15. He was used the same way last year. He is playing shit and its all down to him, his touch is terrible and his decision making is worse. And if he was playing well would you give him all the credit or would you be praising lambert? Did not see Lambert getting credit for his goals last season. He did get credit for the transfer, though, but not for Benteke's play.
  16. Stop the contract talks asap. Wait until the summer, and if we do not go on a winning rampage in style, get rid then. Bring a quality manager. Use lots of cash.
  17. First half he was great. Got in good positions and set up the attackers twice which should have given a goal.
  18. Our best player today along with Westwood.
  19. Bring Bowery back and put him in the team instead of Gabby (lol).
  20. Butchering chances again. Not fit to be Mr Aston Villa (as is no one else at the moment).
  21. 60 minutes is a good start when you have had the injury problems Gardner has had. Let's hope he can make 70 minutes next match and that he is not labeled off the pace and a passenger. He desperately needs competitive matches.
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