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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. Before anyone lays into the signing of him too much, this is one we all supported...
  2. 51% of the Underground is overground, so maybe this is their subtle way of making the Underground feel better about itself by stopping this unfair label that has been bestowed upon it.
  3. 21st. I reckon we'll have so few points that we will unlock a secret dimension to the Premier League known only to The Seven Sacred Guardians of the Points and the previously-thought mythical Permierlagahar, Keeper of the Depths Beneath and Reaper of the Relegated. That or we'll have so few points that our relegation will be viewed as a tragic death and the number 20 position will be retired in our memory.
  4. "We are building something special" - I am so sick to DEATH with all this "building" "3 year plan" "5 year plan" "10 year plan" "patience" "rebuilding" "transitional period" etc. etc. etc. It's just buzzword after buzzword after buzzword, lie after lie after lie, spin spin spin and I'm completely tired of it. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear from any of them ever again. Just stop talking until you sell the club and then shut the door on your way out and never look back.
  5. I don't really approve of selling him. He is probably our best CB based on the performances he gave vs the performances of our other CBs.
  6. Tbh I'm not sure I agree. I think Lambert pretty much fulfilled that role. We played crap football and that kept us in the league. That was something to build upon, but we never did.
  7. Thanks Limpid. Is there no longer a way of hitting "quote" so that all of the previous quotes contained in that post are also quoted in yours?
  8. Genuine question - why is his attitude criticised so much? Is it just the lack of effort on the pitch or have I missed something?
  9. One of those wouldn't keep us in the league though. The players are not Premier League quality.
  10. I was enjoying this thread and was going to make my first post to tell you about my breakfast, but then I read the above and my day (and appetite) has been ruined. Good day to you.
  11. I would get rid of him. We need to clear out this type of player and start again. All the players not being of a high enough quality is far more palatable than them obviously not caring.
  12. Not only that but we've been shit for years. This is barely news, we're just finally reaping the fruits of our labour which we should have reaped a few seasons ago.
  13. I suspect that it is in his contract that he plays CB. Sherwood and/or Richards were talking about playing as a CB rather than an RB when he signed. He took a big pay cut and I'd have thought, in exchange, he got the captaincy and the position he wants. I'm pretty sure he said at Man City he didn't want to play RB as well.
  14. Ask the players whether they want to be here in the championship next season, if they do then keep them, if they don't then bin them for as much as possible in Jan whilst we can still get a decent price and not activate unfavourable release clauses
  15. I really don't even feel like a Villa fan anymore. I don't expect us to fight, I don't expect us to score, I don't expect us to get any points and I certainly don't expect to be entertained. Therefore, I won't watch any more games this season, on TV or otherwise. It's getting to the point where I almost ironically cheer opposition goals or our awful mistakes that we make time and time again. I hate almost all of the players, I hate all of the board, I hate what this league has become and I hate what football has become. The ONLY redeeming thing about this club is you lot but that really is it now. The players are overpaid pretenders who do not deserve jobs and I don't even know how they can look themselves in the mirror and be proud of themselves or ever want to show their faces in town without being overburdened by how embarrassing they are at their jobs. The board are just completely killing us for Lord knows what reason because it certainly isn't protecting their pockets. They have totally wiped out this club and we are going to be dead and buried for some time as a result. It's hard to actually support a club that I pretty much hate everything about now. I'm just completely done with Villa until this board are all gone and there is actually something to love about the club again.
  16. I hardly feel like I can support this team anymore
  17. Does this team even want to stay in the league?
  18. This window will not save us. Let me refresh some memories: With the exception of Darren Bent, we always do dreadful business in the January window. We will not be able to make the signings required to keep us up. The January window is almost pointless.
  19. Richards > Clark, Lescott, Okore And I don't particularly rate him, but therein lies the problem.
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