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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. No because we've already got Cleverley. JK. Let's not go down this road again...
  2. From top to bottom. On the pitch and off it. Nothing more needs to be said really.
  3. Has completely failed to lead the team during this spell.
  4. That actually worries me because if they're good enough for the PL then they will leave once we are relegated.
  5. Unfortunately have to agree with this. Might not have been the case in the past but he just cannot catch or save anything. There is no worse keeper in the league.
  6. Apologies if this has been covered, but if I quote a post containing a quote, then what I quoted no longer contains the quote contained within the original post. This used to happen as standard (my post containing all quotes in the tree) but now I have no idea how to include previous quotes :S. Any ideas?
  7. At QPR he'd have more chance of being in the PL next season.
  8. Changing managers is now completely pointless. Until Lerner et al go, nothing will change. Put Mourihno in and it'd be the same sodding story. Levelling any blame at Garde or even talking about his performance detracts from the people who have been consistently to blame all this time. Managers are nothing but a scapegoat.
  9. This opinion baffles me. Everyone goes on about how awful our players are but then come back to blaming the manager. How? The players are all completely awful and the club is rotten to the core. Garde is the least of the problems. He's almost totally irrelevant in the scheme of things and in the sum of how **** we are.
  10. This is the problem. They are such losers.
  11. He has been going down quite easily though. He needs a bit more strength.
  12. They can at least finish their chances. That's the difference sadly.
  13. This game is absolutely here for the taking. Ayew having a shocker so far though...
  14. Norwich are terrible. We finally look like we are trying to play though. We have definitely improved under Garde.
  15. There will be reasons for this lineup and I suspect it is tiredness. He has already commented on this team lacking fitness... 2-1 win.
  16. I was just thinking about this. It annoys me that the press were ready to slag off Jordan Ayew but now he's better than Andre, not a peep.
  17. For the first time this season I'm going to predict a win for Villa. 2-1, Ayew on target twice.
  18. I'm quite excited to be neighbours with him.
  19. I honestly think a lot of people (like me) realistically think we are going to get relegated but deep down can't really believe that it's possible and therefore keep stating that we will be relegated to try and hit home the reality. Or maybe that's just me. I kinda know we will go down but I honestly can't even picture us in the Championship. I almost feel we are completely entitled to be a Premier League team.
  20. I'll be so disappointed if we lose him.
  21. He offers absolutely nothing. Misses sitters in the air and apparently heading the ball is his only ability. Does not otherwise move or contribute in any way and doesn't know how to win a ball from an opponent. Needs to leave the club.
  22. Just reading back though this thread and, at the risk of repeating myself, the criticism he gets is beyond belief and leaves me despairing at my fellow fans. No manager on earth can waltz into a club as screwed as Villa and make us world beaters. We have quite obviously improved and you'd have to be blind to not see it and that is despite the fact he hasn't won a game. Not everything can be his fault though. He's making the right selections and got the players playing better and in a more organised fashion but they are rubbish players. He can't magically make Gestede an accurate finisher or Westwood a midfield maestro. He's doing a good job with what he has AT HIS DISPOSAL and I think people forget that last bit. There is more to performances and results than just the manager. He's one cog in a machine that has otherwise been systematically and completely destroyed. You can put an Aston Martin gear stick in an Austin Allegro but it's still a sodding Austin Allegro until you replace all its parts.
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