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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. This implies he might have done something if he was there.
  2. Garde looks close to murdering someone
  3. Dave Hemming: Micah Richards scores and goes down but after being treated for shock is able to continue #bbcfacup. From the BBC. Made me lol
  4. Wow we are so bad. Every time I see us play I seem to have forgotten just how awful a football team we are.
  5. I'd be starting Bunn from now on. I don't particularly rate him but Guzan is like playing with a -2 handicap these days
  6. They probably didn't understand what was going on. So far out of their comfort zone.
  7. This is just the worst Villa team I've ever seen. Literally no attacking ability whatsoever and the defence just can't keep their shape. Any other PL would be just pressing pressing pressing Wycombe
  8. This is the perfect description of our Premier League status.
  9. I think he'd probably cost too much but I do really rate him and would love him with us in the Championship
  10. Before anyone lays into the signing of him too much, this is one we all supported...
  11. 51% of the Underground is overground, so maybe this is their subtle way of making the Underground feel better about itself by stopping this unfair label that has been bestowed upon it.
  12. 21st. I reckon we'll have so few points that we will unlock a secret dimension to the Premier League known only to The Seven Sacred Guardians of the Points and the previously-thought mythical Permierlagahar, Keeper of the Depths Beneath and Reaper of the Relegated. That or we'll have so few points that our relegation will be viewed as a tragic death and the number 20 position will be retired in our memory.
  13. "We are building something special" - I am so sick to DEATH with all this "building" "3 year plan" "5 year plan" "10 year plan" "patience" "rebuilding" "transitional period" etc. etc. etc. It's just buzzword after buzzword after buzzword, lie after lie after lie, spin spin spin and I'm completely tired of it. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear from any of them ever again. Just stop talking until you sell the club and then shut the door on your way out and never look back.
  14. I don't really approve of selling him. He is probably our best CB based on the performances he gave vs the performances of our other CBs.
  15. Tbh I'm not sure I agree. I think Lambert pretty much fulfilled that role. We played crap football and that kept us in the league. That was something to build upon, but we never did.
  16. Thanks Limpid. Is there no longer a way of hitting "quote" so that all of the previous quotes contained in that post are also quoted in yours?
  17. Genuine question - why is his attitude criticised so much? Is it just the lack of effort on the pitch or have I missed something?
  18. One of those wouldn't keep us in the league though. The players are not Premier League quality.
  19. I was enjoying this thread and was going to make my first post to tell you about my breakfast, but then I read the above and my day (and appetite) has been ruined. Good day to you.
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