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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Browns 0-3 Will they ever be any good?
  2. A match between 2 inconsistent teams.
  3. You have 2 copies of 2 Stieg Larsson books? Good quality pics BTW
  4. Schoolboy error for going out for a ruby in an ice white shirt! Black or GTFO. Anyway, get to the relationship thread and detail the nuts and bolts of this new lady in your life!
  5. Angel in the Fields, Marylebone. Grabbed a table outside, sun blazing and pints of cider while watching people go by. Lovely
  6. Oh, and a lot of nice clunge at Wembley today
  7. Just back from the NFL game at Wembley. I was expecting a close game. but wow! The Jags were superb in every aspect. I went with a big Ravens fan as well and he had a face like a slapped arse! Rocked my original '95 Dan Marino jersey and it had a few nice comments. Saw some other classic Dolphins tops there as well.
  8. The Accountant 7/10 Had fairly low expectations when I turned it on, but it was actually pretty decent.
  9. Don't worry about it pal, they'll always be an embarrassment
  10. What would you change in the starting line up? The current line up is probably what I would pick at the moment. Maybe drop Whelan, perhaps?
  11. This topic on page 2?! WTF 5 goals from Midfield. Excellent.
  12. The point I was making is that you don't have to be dominant in possession to win games. A lot of possession is pointless, like Forest today in their own half. It's what you do with the ball when you get it. We still need to improve but if we can adopt a formula that wins us games without needing to dominate then great. I'd like us dominate, naturally, but ultimately the result is what matters most.
  13. Possession stats are meaningless. Leicester won the Premier League when having rubbish stats (18th in possession and last in pass completion) Results are the most important thing. As long as the results keep coming then I'll stick with Bruce
  14. Just shit into a bucket and throw it over him *I'm sure you have done something similar before?!
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