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Everything posted by Xela

  1. I think the Avatar for Ruge is Tony Iommi in the 70's
  2. Dante from the film Clerks (1994)
  3. Came on my Spotify playlist in the car earlier and had to turn it up. Fantastic song.
  4. Or the 'updated' version, the Austin Ambassador. My Dad had a bottle green Morris Marina estate with brown vinyl seats. It rusted so bad you could literally put your hand through the bodywork without any real resistance.
  5. Xela

    General Chat

    Sorry to hear that news @TheAuthority Big hugs to both of you.
  6. I should be so lucky! Countryman estate.
  7. Not quite @mottaloo! We aren't allowed midgets or strippers in the office!
  8. It only lasted 6 months with me. Got rear ended by a Montego and written off!
  9. Flippy has been fired! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-43343956
  10. Bet the days fly by in your office
  11. My first car I purchased in 1998 had a choke! (it was a 1988 Metro)
  12. Bit of both really. I never planned to end up in finance and if you asked me when I was 18 that I would do 10 years in financial sales and account management I would have laughed in your face. As it happens I am good at it. Very good. This has led me to a comfortable life, although it has perhaps taken the desire away from me to look for something else more interesting.
  13. Anyway, enough dissing of Coke and Champagne. Great drinks!
  14. Who the eff is this Tom Foolery chap? Anyway, talking of Irn Bru I always liked this ad
  15. It might be today but they'll change their mind half way through. edit: d'oh -bin-dunne
  16. Sorry, wrong terminology! I meant passive investment/index funds (OEICS in the UK - think they might be called mutual funds in the US) v EFTs . They seem broadly similar in their passive nature. I don't think i'd bother with active/managed funds, fees are higher and no guarantee they can beat the market.
  17. I can be at Good Hope in 3 mins from where I am. I'll meet you there. Can go for a Nandos and a few pints. Just don't go pass out in the Audi, i've just had it valeted!
  18. Investment/index funds or ETFs? Probably going to scale back my 'emergency' cash fund to around £10k-£15k (and filter some of it through a regular saver at 5%) and put the rest in long term medium/medium to high risk passive options. Reading up on them it seems there are pros and cons to both traditional passive index trackers and ETFs?
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