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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Yeah solicitor needs proof its cleared. No worries will get it paid off.
  2. Quick question - finally had my formal mortgage offer today. Took 3 weeks but got there in the end. One of the conditions attached to the mortgage is that the loan has been granted on the understanding my credit card debt is cleared before, or on completion. Now, I have a reasonably large share portfolio, in which a small amount could be sold to clear the aforementioned debt. My preference would be not to do that as I think the share price still has another 15%-20% to rise in the next 2-3 years. The question is; do they require evidence it has been cleared or will they be happy that I have the means to pay it off at anytime? I'll ask my solicitor tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else had experience of this? I have no problem in paying it off if that is what is strictly required as I'm not looking to mislead anyone but if i did pay it off i'd be looking at buying the shares back as soon as possible via my credit card. It just seems a pointless cycle!
  3. 72 goals in the second half!
  4. What Benteke fails to understand is that the BEST thing for him in a World Cup year is to be playing regular football. The ideal preparation would be for him to lead the Villa line, score another 20-25 goals and go the World Cup full of confidence. I wouldn't begrudge him a move next season but after just one season, I just feel annoyed and angry.
  5. Disappointed but not surprised. Modern day footballers for you! I hope he fails miserably wherever he goes and misses the World Cup. Yes I am bitter! What chance do any team outside the top 4/5 have anymore? As soon as they get a decent player, one of the big teams buys him to 'rotate' with other £30m strikers. Another nail in the coffin regarding my love for football.
  6. Are you telling me that Nigeria has a corruption problem?! Knowing FIFA the 2026 World Cup will be held there now
  7. Xela

    Radio stations

    Radio 2 if i ever listen to the radio. Mostly I just listen to my playlists on Spotify
  8. They'd be fat munters if they didn't smoke. What about fat munters who smoke? Can you imagine what they would look like if they didn't have their nicotine fix?
  9. Xela

    General Chat

    Cricket is wonderful... the test series against Australia is the ultimate contest. In 2005, when we regained the Ashes, that was just a fantastic summer I can take or leave limited overs cricket as I don't class it as 'proper' cricket. I'm starting to prefer other sports like rugby union and cricket more than football now. I think it just shows how my love affair with football has been soured by greed and money that is in it.
  10. A car full of drunk 20yo girls? What you complaining at man!
  11. Saw a bloke walking around at lunchtime who was a spitting image of the Fast Show character Colin Hunt (expect this guy had a more sober shirt on). He was walking around talking to himself loudly. Cheered me up Worrying thing is, he actually works in an office!
  12. Xela

    General Chat

    Private flats? Have a word with the managing agents.
  13. Delighted for Murray, what a great game,. Djokovic is a great sportsman as well and he was very gracious in defeat.
  14. Xela

    General Chat

    And now people finally understand how I feel. You have aircon though I guess? While it certainly isn't as hot over here, when you have no aircon then its just as bad!
  15. Xela

    General Chat

    Given up trying to sleep tonight - far too hot! Day has been lovely and been out in the sun enjoying it... but night times are murder.
  16. Surely the Lions is about the team and not one individual, however good he may be?
  17. Had a few ciders in Brindleyplace after work last night... today.. few beers in Brum before a BBQ at a mates house in Erdington Sunday - recovering!
  18. Scottish flags in the Murray crowd at Wimbledon If an English born player was doing well you wouldn't see English flags would you? Just British flags
  19. Of course. I reckon you should tell her you love her on the first date. Get the awkward stuff out the way early on.
  20. As someone who never went to University and has no real qualifications is a degree that important? I knew from school that I was simply not a studious type and university for me would have just been a massive piss up. I took the job route and started at the bottom and worked my way through the system by hard work and various promotions. To be honest, i don't think I would be earning more if I had a degree.
  21. Xela

    General Chat

    I'd hate the idea of someone's loved one dying because they needed an organ and there wasn't enough to go around. If I was in need of kidney or whatever, then I would gratefully accept a donated one. Saying that, I don't carry a donor card. Mainly as I have never got around to signing up!
  22. Xela

    General Chat

    I see what you are saying but how many people on benefit actually do anything constructive with their free time, or could afford to? Its not as though they are learning or bettering themselves is it? Its what me and you might do but they wouldn't have the same view on things. The fact the person is having to think about taking the job says more about the person. I moan about work etc but it gets me out the house, I get on well with most people and in truth, i'd miss it if i was off on long term sick or was made unemployed.
  23. In general, it's a better investment than putting your cash in a bank, nope? It's a better investment than just paying rent. Thirded. If you can get the right mortgage on a sensible investment, then the costs of buying and renting aren't far apart. It makes little sense to pay someone elses mortgage for them if you can afford your own. Indeed. My proposed mortgage is £504 per month for a 2 bed apartment in Four Oaks (albeit, after a sizeable deposit). I currently rent a 1 bed apartment for £520 in the same area. In 26 years or sooner that property will be mine. If renting then I will always have to find the monthly amount. I don't want to retire and have to worry about rent. That to me, is my main driver for buying.
  24. I refuse to believe you catch the bus Tony Any woman that refers to herself as 'crazy' or a 'madhead' is to be avoided at all costs.
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