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Everything posted by Xela

  1. New shoes - whatever they cost, wherever they are from, they will always **** your feet up the first time you wear them
  2. Signed the mortgage papers for my new apartment earlier
  3. I was going to say the same thing... it's just not going to work in my opinion. My advice would be to enjoy each others company until Christmas then accept that its over
  4. Beach Club Cafe is just a normal bar/club which seems to be packed most nights (live music etc). Plenty of couples/groups in there but it is also appealing for the single gent as well. Something for everyone :-)
  5. Ha, basically means sleeping with women of different nationalities. Some people make a defined choice to sleep with as many 'flags' as possible in their life. I'm sure that's not you but your dating history made me think of it.
  6. Xela

    General Chat

    Wonderful news mate!
  7. Spot on BOF. If they said "you know what, I'm not coming out as the missus is cooking a curry, we're going to watch a film and she said i could do her up the wrong 'un" then I would have no problem with that!
  8. which is what Stevo and myself were talking about .... I don't think either of us were suggesting everyone leaves their other halves for the lads every week / every day Nah that's fair enough. Was just adding a bit of balance from the view those whose attendance at such things isn't as high as it could be. Sometimes I think I should be going out with my friends more often, but it usually ends in some kind of trouble in all honesty. I do like a good night out, but am definitely guilty of avoiding such things more often than I probably should. Agreed, I wouldn't expect my mates with families and kids to want to come out every week. But even trying to arrange something once every couple of months can be a chore. They all say "i'd love to but the mrs won't allow me" or something to that effect. Some won't even ask their other half as they already know the answer will be no! That's what pisses me off! Their spinelessness (is that a word?) and the selfish view taken by their girlfriends! From a personal perspective I wouldn't want to be a relationship where my other half didn't 'allow' me out! My last relationship was fine, I preferred to spent my time with the lady but she had no problem with me going out every few weeks with the boys or having the odd weekend away and myself likewise.
  9. We've spoke about this before but isn't it sad how some men lose their backbone when they get with someone? I have mates who change completely when they are in a relationship. Its like their personalities become subdued and they are a shadow of their former selves. I know compromise is needed in relationships but it seems that some of my mates are scared of their other halves.
  10. Lets be honest, she's a cute Indian hottie and i'm guessing you are white? (correct me if i'm wrong). The chances of that working out in the long term are slim anyway... so just try and hang out of the back of her and stop worrying. She probably just wants a bit of attention... so give it to her! Its unlikely to develop further as I'm guessing her family just wouldn't allow it... they probably wouldn't allow you to date her.
  11. I've lived in Sutton for the last 20 odd years (was born here as well) and as the post above states, its difficult to characterise it as it is quite a big place.. population of over 100k. Its more a series of little villages around the main town centre. Sutton doesn't feel like Birmingham and most residents wouldn't class themselves as Brummies. I prefer the north side of the town, around Four Oaks, but you do pay a premium, as the area is one of the most expensive to live in the West Midlands. Sutton town centre itself is average and needs a shot in the arm. Solihull is far better for shopping. Schools are meant to be very good and a lot of my mates who have just had kids are thinking of relocating to the area purely for the schools What area of Sutton were you looking at?
  12. Purely the appease the baying feminists who were threatening 'legal action' because there was going to be no female representation on banknotes once Fry is taken off in 2016
  13. It was awful. I watched the first ten minutes... I had more fun when I had dysentery in Thailand.
  14. It was "Highcroft" over the north side of the city Beautiful building... now flats. not sure I could live in a former asylum http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-25972260.html
  15. Xela

    Old Money

    It is at a Bank's discretion whether they change it or not, however The Bank of England will change it
  16. Agree with VillaForever, cracking film.
  17. Xela

    Dennis Farina

    Bloody hell Fine actor
  18. Work has pissed me off today.. and it pisses me of that I am pissed off as I said I wouldn't get pissed off by things at work anymore
  19. I don't think you can say he bottled it PaulC, Mickelson was sublime. For a yank he seems pretty humble so don't mind him winning.
  20. I already have O2 censoring my phone.. now BT will be next! I'll have to go back to masturbating in women's changing rooms again.
  21. I think we, in the UK, under estimate how tolerant our country is. In my opinion it is the most tolerant and diverse country in the world. There are always going to be a few extremist nutters on all sides but on the whole, I think we can be proud of what we have achieved.
  22. I never take any money with me when i go abroad and I just draw the cash out when I get there (usually at the airport or the train station). I don't get charged for overseas withdrawals on mine. Just check what charges will be on yours. (usually a % of the withdrawal or a flat fee per transaction)
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