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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Where's this Holtby stuff come from? Just wishful thinking?
  2. I thought if any shark could be considered hungry for human flesh it would be the Bull Shark?
  3. There's no doubt that part of Bryan's appeal has come from the fact that the fans can see how much he's always been held back. When he first joined he came in for the usual hard treatment because he was a famous indy wrestler. They have a way of beating all previous experience out of them and making them wrestle the WWE way. He is such a great in ring talent, he never fails to have a good match.
  4. Things that are better to watch with a hangover than men selling things. Porn Football Wrestling Power Rangers
  5. http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2892/transfer-zone/2014/01/28/4576700/hoolahan-in-talks-to-join-aston-villa?ICID=HP_BN_1 Wow, talk about a recycled story.
  6. The History Channel should be renamed 'Men Selling Things'.
  7. Why, in case it's you? Precisely. How much notice does this thread give?
  8. So you explode both from your penis and from your head?
  9. Heart in mouth time every time this thread gets bumped.
  10. Yes but he's moderately exciting so that rules him out.
  11. I've never really seen the appeal but I do want to tick it off my list. This. I've been offered it (so to speak) on two separate occasions but turned it down. Don't see the appeal, but might venture there at some point to see what the fuss is about. It hurts first time, but you soon get used to it.
  12. Gabby always has niggles, that seem to stretch to frustratingly longer periods than initially anticipated. He's never had a serious injury.
  13. NCFOM is not a typical Coen film though. I don't think I've ever seen a film so closely follow a book. It doesn't contain any of their dark and quirky humour that is synonymous with a lot of their films.
  14. Even if Gabby is not fully fit, he has to be on the bench. Worked last time.
  15. Phuket sucks major donkey balls. Maybe worth a one night stay as a base and to experience the seediness and then to hop over to Koh Phi Phi (The Beach). Phi Phi is beautiful but very overpriced for Thailand. I preferred the islands on the East, Samui, Phangam and especially Koh Tao.
  16. That could go down as one of the most important events in Avery long time. Bryan really is the most over wrestler since Stone Cold there is a phenomenon on their hands and the fans won't let them ignore it anymore. Batista strolling in and winning after 4 years away really was a slap in the face to talent that the fans want to see. The Cena v Orton match was hilarious, "we want Divas", enough is enough, people have seen enough of those two. As a positive, top showings from Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt.
  17. Got mine today, overdue a win against this lot.
  18. by "this" does she mean the shit she's been getting because some of the rags accused her of getting absolutely smashed at the tv awards and snogging some bloke at the bar im sure it was the suns headline at the weekend this is where I love my life as I have no idea what Splash is and I have no idea who Danielle Lloyd is either Do you like football, because she has slept with every single footballer ever. Currently with Jamie O'Hara.
  19. We need to get him so we can sing: "Hoolahan, Hoolahan, he's Wesley Hoolahan" to the tune of Ebeneezer Goode.
  20. I think you have just qualified him for the most overrated player' thread.
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