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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. I'd definitely take Frimpong. If we're not going to get any creativity in midfield then the next thing we need is a bit of steel.
  2. He suffered a concussion which put it in doubt but now he's wrestling Bray Wyatt on the show so I've no idea. I think the titles are unified for good. I certainly hope so.
  3. That's a quick judgement. Grant Holt has only just started.
  4. We've done the Rumble sweepstake winner takes cash before. I love the Rumble, has always been my favourite event. Gutted Bryan isn't in it, he HAS to main event Mania and finally claim his title.
  5. She's not your buddy anymore. Destroy her!
  6. It will probably double on the last day as the false rumours really hot up.
  7. After you've performed your heroics next month.
  8. That question didn't really need asking. Never in doubt.
  9. Who is better at their respective sport? Who is the coolest? Who makes the most informed and intelligent posts? Who has the best twitter? Who is the best looking? Who can fart loudest? We must pit you against each other, for our amusement. Good luck Jen btw
  10. I'd love us to do something ridiculous like this. Would really mess with the opposition fans head. Imagine the Holte in unison all leant to the side showing everyone there 'spout'. Unfortunately most fans just want to shout "****" and "word removed" all game or sing about Karen Brady's preference for multiple sex partners.
  11. I had Milner on my World Cup 2010 England shirt.
  12. Being 'big' doesn't give you a right to be in the top league though.
  13. And the Clark/Baker partnership is an absolute car crash.
  14. Not the first club no but the first one he saw as a step up. He supposedly had talks with Burnley at one point and was linked with West Ham and refused to distance himself from speculation, presumably using it as leverage to get a better deal/more funds from the board. Lambert did great things for us, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement and these things come to an end but one of the things I don;t miss is worrying our manager will be off every time a managerial vacancy comes up! We don;t have to worry about that now of course with good old cautious Chris which is both a blessing and a curse at the same time! We've done alright on this front. Lambert is steadily and slowly (too slow for some of this bunch) improving us with enough calamities thrown in to keep his stock quite low.
  15. Doesn't even have the club crest or anything official looking on it. Do Hensons make those Villa hats advertised at the top of the page?
  16. The Daily Mirror is actually a really good source because anything they report can be 100% disregarded. Quicker than waiting for the club to dismiss it.
  17. Could you elaborate a little? I've heard nothing but great things about this place which has inspired me to visit this year.
  18. Brummies don't exist, or at least are not allowed on TV. Unless it's to be lampooned, like in the "Phones For YOW" advert. Ugh, that's just reminded me of that "anything for YOW cupcake" abomination I've seen on TV recently. It makes me want to puke.
  19. Oh sorry Sex those backpackers up brah.
  20. Brummies don't exist, or at least are not allowed on TV. Corrie, Enders and Emmerdale (none of which I watch) all regularly feature characters from London, Manchester, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Newcastle, Scotland basically every accent is covered except for the one which must be the second most represented accent in the country. Peaky Blinders? This was a freak event. It was created and written by a Brummie. he must have got the show commissioned set in Manchester then switched it pre-production.
  21. You know Paul Lambert? Ask him why he left this forum.
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