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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. But we've got no money, so please, pretty please.
  2. Brummies don't exist, or at least are not allowed on TV. Corrie, Enders and Emmerdale (none of which I watch) all regularly feature characters from London, Manchester, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Newcastle, Scotland basically every accent is covered except for the one which must be the second most represented accent in the country.
  3. Who's more famous Jones or Lolley? FIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!
  4. Mark Kinsella. He would always point you in the right direction of the nearest tea pot.
  5. I've never seen Villa lose a shootout. (The West Ham one doesn't count because the game was replayed and we won).
  6. I like their yellow shirts being in the top division.
  7. I've only ever had 11 Baros 7 Young 5 Laursen 2 out of 3 aint bad I've had my own name a few times though. Oh yeah I had 23 Wain once, bet you can guess what birthday I got that for. Didn't Baros wear number 9?
  8. Do some of you really expect them to sell him to us for £750K? This reeks of the way Liverplop fans were acting when they expected us to sell them Barry for whatever they offered.
  9. Trying to think who I've had on backs of shirts in the past: 8 Draper 14 Dublin 10 Merson 14 Ginola 4 Mellberg 6 Barry 11 Agbonlahor 9 Bent 26 Weimann 14 A.Luna (I cursed him didn't I)
  10. Bosnich #13 on the back of the shattered glass top. My first ever football shirt, that was. Can I come to your house please?
  11. Is the Mirror the only outlet to report Lescott? Bloody hell they should be number one on any media blacklist but being 20 days behind with their lies.
  12. How long have you got to do that?
  13. They sell them now in the club shop in the retro range, but the Mita Copiers is missing which is a large part of the beauty for me.
  14. My mate Stefan is coming round to help.
  15. Who was the first player you had on the back of a shirt? I had Draper on the 95/96 shirt.
  16. All kicking off on the front page of the Mirror now - Ulrika's making her opinions known. I'd love to slap her, so I can empathise.
  17. Oxford United versus Torquay followed by drinks. On Sunday I'll probably do some work on my 'man cave'.
  18. I just saw somebody label a team with him in it as top 8 as if he'd make a difference, so wondered if he's actually meant to be good. Supposed to be one of their top youth prospects, perhaps the best since Messi. Sing him up!
  19. So is erm Dongou meant to be good or does he just play for Barcelona?
  20. He's Danish they speak better English than English people.
  21. Whilst we're on the topics of Bests and Worsts etc. which design do you think made Aston Villa look most sexy. My favourite from my time is this beaut, possibly enhanced by us being really good in it. The Hummel Mita Copiers from a few season before deserves and honourable mention and more recently I really liked this away kit.
  22. While I kind of agree, I'd imagine that statement would be met with the same kind of reaction that you'd see on here if Sunderland fans said the same about Oneill. I also think that if the shoe was on the other foot our fan base would also be demanding that we refuse to do business with a club trying to take our player who had poached our manager and youth prospect. Well I know I wouldn't be demanding that we refuse to do business, especially if our manager had got us into the Premier League and solidified our position there. In fairness, the bitterness pales into insignificance when you consider the backlash against Barry (a lifelong servant to the club at the time) moving to Liverpool. That wasn't exactly our finest hour. (Basically all fans have it in them to act like dicks, ourselves included). Barry was great for us for many years, and should have been sent on his way to better things with our thanks and best wishes. We did him a favour not selling him to the wreath layers! We sent him off to City where he has actually won medals and he went with most fans blessing. Win Win all round! If you actually think back to that summer he definitely didn't leave with the fans blessing. He was roundly booed when we played in the 1-1 at VP and the memorable image of that fan waving money at him when he was taking a corner.
  23. Probably not up to the task in the long run but he was left in the shit to begin with. Fergie knew exactly when to get out.
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