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Marka Ragnos

VT Supporter
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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. Is there a diplomatic way of putting this? I don't want to be accused of lookism. Seeing all the Newcastle supporters and all the Villa supporters together in one place in America, you start to form little impressions. Let me just put it this way: I think we comes across better. Is that OK to say that?
  2. Buendia was so ruthless. I swear to god the "Toon Army" was just sitting there slack-jawed. I kind of wonder if what we're seeing in Buendia is someone who gets that he's in an incredible position at an incredible club now with incredible opportunities just hanging there for the taking, and that this is his moment--and it may never come again if he doesn't take advantage of it. He's definitely levelled up a few times since the spring.
  3. Mbappé Too bad the Saudis aren't as generous towards their own people ...
  4. I feel distressed and sad to see Israeli sliding toward authoritarianism. I can't believe it -- don't want to believe it. It disrespects the memories of Jewish European refugees and their descendants who escaped such damaging hatred.
  5. I feel the same, but feelings are just feelings. He did have the ball entirely under his control at times yesterday in decent spots, and my impression was that he just wasn't able to thread through defenders. I have this vision of him dribbling right up to centre backs and just sort of stopping in front of them. Just a hot take, take it however you will, but I was watching Philogene again and again on the ball outsmarting opponents trying to tackle him, so the bar was set high for me impression-wise. I don't have any agenda. I'm not anti-Archer. I just didn't see any magic. Maybe just a "slow day at the office." Which is fine. Preseason is pre. As a supporter, you make assessments based on the little bits of what you see and what you've learned, and it goes without saying, it's a very limited perspective. On the other hand, I can't pretend I didn't see what I saw.
  6. What kind of striker would we need anyway? That's my question. There are so many different types. What do you think would work well with Emery? A sneaky old hand like Cavani at Man U, who had such masterful positioning? A pacey youngster? A sniper?
  7. I don't know how many times I watched Almirón (and I have to say, I love/hate that kid -- he is amazing to witness) yesterday sprinting past Digne for balls "over the top" of our high line. Isak was trying it and getting caught offside. It makes me worried, this vulnerability. BUT ... All that said, it's unthinkable that Emery would stop trying to play the high line, and I'm glad and I don't want him to stop. Yes, very risky, but, well, he's good at it, as his work at Villarreal attests. We see Liverpool drawings lots of offsides, but Villarreal was right up there under Emery. It's going to make for a dramatic season coming up.
  8. The bigger problem is finding one, methinks. The market is tiny and pricey and so many other clubs seem to be desperate for one, too, especially in the £40m-£60m range -- eg, Man United.
  9. Admittedly morbid question, but do any of you older locals remember seeing the dead with paper ribbons or many-coloured decorations around their bodies in caskets? I heard about this practice in the shires long ago (1900-1920s), but wondered whether it was idiosyncratic or a tradition?
  10. I feel like the truth of that matter is somewhere between you, but that still tips the scale towards NEW KEEPER for me. He's an excellent practice keeper, too, and you can see that the guys like him. Strikes me as a really nice guy, too, but I have no doubt he's a big vulnerability. And Filip Marschall is simply not ready for PL -- brave, but still learning.
  11. Here's the mouthful of a word we'll all need to learn: Sesquicentennial.
  12. Yes, complete rubbish. Started with Isak (transferred for £70m or something?) and the amazing and pesky Almirón, who is such a handful. They were playing to win.
  13. Game note: In the parking lot, vehicles with Pennsylvania plates were the minority. Many if not most of the people who came to Philadelphia for this match -- would be interesting to see the data if it were published somewhere -- came from the whole Mid-Atlantic and New England regions. I parked next to someone from Vermont, the upper reaches of which are about the distance between London and Edinburgh. I saw mostly cars from New York, New Jersey, Maryland, lots of Massachusetts, and also Delaware. Many ex-pats, too, patiently explaining to their partners the offsides rule.
  14. I really does look that way to me, too. I don't know what the solution is. I always wonder whether an applied sport psychologist might help. Confidence definitely can improve performance to a degree.
  15. I was a bit more impressed than most others on VT --- take that as you will. I saw positive aggression and at least one superb progressive pass and -- am I mistaken? -- a shot on goal? He seemed like someone who was testing himself more and more.
  16. On the bright side ... well, no, not much. He seemed nervous and jumpy, and he made two critical mistakes, one that contributed to a Toon goal.
  17. My impressions were quite similar to many people here. One big difference is I actually felt very concerned about Pau Torres. I thought he came across as mostly lost and weak, and he left Callum Wilson completely alone in space before our third goal. Hard to see him surviving in the rough and tumble of the Premier League, but I imagine I am wrong. I know there's a lot of pressure to like him right now, but that's just my honest first impression. I think it's a "minority report" FWIW, and he was far away from me for most of the match. I'm not going to take myself too seriously on this "hot take." Seeing Dougie in person is truly inspiring. He is absolutely satanic on the ball. Love him. Buendia blew me away. He and Jaden Philogene brought that element of magic on the ball that we need to prosper in Europe. Of all Academy kids brought out tonight, Jaden P. stood out by a mile for me. I was actually more concerned about Digne than Cash. Too uses this kind of one-touch spin and volley move to get the ball up the pitch, and it would be great if the volleys didn't keep going to the opposition. I saw him lose the ball for Villa twice with this. Genuinely don't understand why Mattie Cash doesn't get more love. His work rate was amazing tonight and he kept needed pace. Tielemans is very, very good. Want to see more of him.
  18. Just a couple OK action photos I managed to snap tonight ... Here comes Dougie's corner (I think)!
  19. Just a couple OK action photos I managed to snap tonight ... Badasses. This was just after our second goal.
  20. Just a couple OK action photos I managed to snap tonight ... Stalking like a lion. Jaden Philogene (along with Buendia) started the match fiercely. They both seemed very hungry tonight.
  21. Just a couple OK action photos I managed to snap tonight ... Youri and Callum preparing for a free kick.
  22. Just a couple OK action photos I managed to snap tonight ... shows a battling side of Pau Torres.
  23. I agree but not on Diego. He cut a confident and aggressive figure. I feel excited about him.
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