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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. I just want to see him knocked around a few more weeks, then, as the window closes, he and he dad and his agent may see that VIlla are the most exciting prospect in Europe for a player wanting to develop and grow whilst aiming for the stars.
  2. Not AFAIK. I tend to avoid that sort of thing as I don’t drink, but if I see/hear anything I will post here! Question: Is it weird to bring a Villa scarf in 31 C degrees?
  3. Need a backup keeper. Reality check. Not a glamourous signing — just a reliable PL-level journeyman will do.
  4. Enjoy! This is terribly exciting. I know it's pre-season, but I have a hunch it's going to be an intense match. And I tell you, if there's one place in the USA where there could be supporter tension, you know it's Philly. Where I live, we call it the city of brotherly shove.
  5. Makes so much sense. Here's one you may know ...
  6. It wasn't an event, it was a process. Naturally, it began with stuff like Japan and Ultravox, which had some elements of deep prog, really, with all the high concepts and banks of keyboards. It took a while before I got to punk. I mean, a lotta self-seriousness here and those drumsticks with little balls on the end are a dead giveaway lol:
  7. OK, OK --- it may be a little true. But I was age 12, folks -- OK, maybe I was 16, and there may have a brief period of a few years when I played Supper's Ready and A Family Portrait sort of ... every day. A few times a day. But I was a different person back then, and the important thing is, I did get help.
  8. Awful Men's Hairstyles From The 1970s That Should Stay In The 1970s
  9. Yes, maybe a few times. But if you have half a brain, you might start ignoring them, too.
  10. Illuminating and persuasive ... sounds like it's not his agent Mendes who is the difficult one to deal with. It's dear old dad.
  11. I think a fast RB, a second keeper, and striker should be priorities. I wonder if Bailey might end up on left wing sometimes?
  12. And you know I would, too ... Nice one. Heheh. He was kind of ridiculous and Genesis get ridiculed a lot, but damn, Gabriel could write with wit, too, and they were so young, too ... "Wearing feelings on our faces while our faces took a rest ..."
  13. Being teased by English men is their way of showing that they love you. (At least that's what they told me. )
  14. Well, some of us actually remember those men from the past, that's why. Like ...
  15. Do you do you personal investing consults as a side hustle? Hey, if that's what you said, and it's turned out, then good on you. It does make sense. So what do you see in your crystal ball now, going forward? (Not to put any pressure on you!)
  16. Much depends, I feel, on whether and how the ManU sale works out. There still some stellar characters on that squad, and Garnacho is amazing in terms of future promise.
  17. Any VTers going to be in Philly? I see @USA_Villa. The section designated for Villa supporters is sold out. I'm going to be right next to it. Good seats! Eighth row!
  18. Probably too late to get him on a flight to Philadelphia this weekend, so I'll just have to come see him in Brum.
  19. I like Mattie, but Jeremie Frimpong is one of the quickest right backs in the world -- basically as fast as Diaby. Mattie isn't even close to that. Diaby opens up spaces when he's got someone tethered to him in space, too. They wreak havoc on defenses then. Would love to see this against Liverpool. But look at me, we just signed the biggest signing in Villa history, and I'm already fretting about what we don't have lol. Time to enjoy this. Where's my gratitude!?
  20. Looking at Diaby's highlights, I'm feeling like EVERYONE on our right side is going to have to be ready to sprint faster to keep up. He seems like he's at his best at Leverkusen when he has team members who can play off of him, too. I could see Moreno working well with him and Jacob were he on that side, but will Mattie Cash?
  21. Just take it all in ... dude knows where to find the net, too. Super intelligent. Precise. Fast as a cheetah. Scores.
  22. I still think players and much of social media are in the rose-tinted cloud cuckoo land phase of all this. Will be interesting to see what happens in a few years. I don't think it will be as influential as many think. Many players will be in for a most unpleasant education in their gated lives in the Kingdom -- and the six-hour flight back to London or wherever will get old. You can have all the money in the world and be a constant subject of flattery and blandishments and still be miserable and unfulfilled. My cousin worked as a nurse in Saudi and grew quickly to hate it. Sure, there's a kind of alternative universe of expats living lives of apparent luxury and comfort, but it has big limits, too. There's a huge price to be paid for all that and so much simulated reality. Might as well live at Disney World. I think it will get stale and restrictive for many players, at least those with brains. And the dangers for partners or family members who are LGBTQ are so real. You can really get yourself into trouble. There is poverty in KSA, too, and you have to wonder how the have-nots feel about rich foreigners who get away with flaunting the law and being given exceptions all the time while they get flogged.
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