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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. Diego looks scary, I gotta say. In the best possible way.
  2. Ollie overall pretty quiet so far. Also, we seem to be spending a lot of time on our knees, slowing down our rhythm. Would like to see us be a little more resilient or stop trying to draw so many fouls?
  3. I’m concerned about injury. He went down badly earlier.
  4. Digne does those volley passes and they’re lovely but we keep losing the ball.
  5. Jaden P. Oh man! I have seen the future and it is good.
  6. Phone won’t post as plain text so it’s coming across as links.
  7. Philadelphia is definitely Villa territory. Geordies getting booed like crazy lol.
  8. Only merch I saw on sale was outside stadium — and very little of it.
  9. Fabian Delph being interviewed on pitch for pregame — and getting SLAGGED badly by Villa section.
  10. Pathetic, but I’m here in Philly in tears. Have not seen so many Villa supporters since 1974. Just got off phone with Bewdley-born dad in Florida. Very emotional. I don’t even know why. https://twitter.com/broun/status/1683237835657052160?s=46&t=LWAj06T33trHAGHFR-sqxA
  11. It also, crucially, takes the pressure off Ollie and gives him a chance to do what he does best -- working as a pacey conjurer who is great on the ball in and around the box, like Thierry Henry, and capitalising on chances. Add in Moreno and Tielmans and Kamara and Dougie and the "new" post-Gerrard McGinn, and wow, I would be afraid to play us lol.
  12. Anyone who underestimates the power of a professional football friendship in two extremely talented speed demons is going to be in for a shock, I suspect. Leon-Moussa is going to be greater than the sum of its parts, I am convinced. Why wouldn't one be? There is clear evidence that these two are almost telepathic on the pitch. Diaby amazing individually, too, but as part of a duo ... this is where the magic begins. I love a good duo!
  13. Not fun. I don't envy you, but you know how important leaks can be. Had a very similar problem in our last house and it cost thousands to clean up the damage from the flashing that had come loose. So you're doing what you must. Go for a run or drive the car (alone) in the country and do primal screams to get the frustration out if you need lol. I can understand feeling pissed about the situation. It sucks to have be dependent on others and then have to press it, but it's probably just pride gnawing at you -- it would me. Let the neighbors be grumpy and in tears if they have to. It doesn't mean things need to break down. Everyone's entitled to their feelings. A tough one. You have my sympathy and admiration for keeping your cool so far. @Davkaus's idea is brilliant.
  14. Athletico? "We'll pass." Chelsea? "We'll pass." Barçalona? "We'll pass." Arsenal? "We'll see." Aston Villa? "They're not big enough for me."
  15. I do admire a good, tidy but not too tidy mustache, especially the sort English men wore in the first world war. I don't know why, but they always seems so debonair to me. Couthinho sometimes sports one like this. Handsome.
  16. No offense to anyone here (see the forum title, please), but I cannot stand carefully sculpted beards—and also long beards, whether shaggy or carefully trimmed. I especially hate this shit -- the little "wedge" beard with the dicky little comb-forward. Did I say **** beards? (I have a beard sometimes, so I can say that.) Tired of lumbersexuality and men in crisis over their sad masculine fantasies.
  17. Have you lot been discussing this? Holy shite. What have we got here? These two are like the tag-team raptors in Jurassic Park. The play that starts at 3:10 is just filthy. No question, overall, that Diaby is more elegantly clever and poised, but Leon brings pace and timing and -- yes -- clinical precision to the proceedings. Perfect complement to Diaby. The pair of them seem to create huge spaces almost at will.
  18. All I can think is that he could possibly get an emergency B-2 tourist visa but can't play for money. It would have to be unpaid recreation? I don't expect him to play this week. (I'm not an immigration lawyer, but I'm fully certified for making wild guesses at things based on lazy google searches.)
  19. Jesus, 80,000+ seat stadium sold out today in New Jersey for Man U and Arsenal. That's a lot of enthusiasm for PL football. Is it pent-up demand or sustainable? Makes me wonder if owners have ever thought of relocating clubs internationally or having two separate homes.
  20. That's insane. On Claret & Blue, they were saying he's going to want to get involved right away. He sounds like he's very hungry. I like that.
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