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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. I really appreciate your response and trust you know him far better than I. I don't see "journeyman" as a negative at all btw -- merely a description of someone who is a reliable player who isn't married to one club and fulfills a key role at a moderate cost, that's all. I'm not really trying to prove any point -- just learning. I feel concerned about the Acuna thing mostly because of the way it's getting tied to the idea of freeing up Digne funds, a quid pro quo. I just can't see how we're in a position to sell Digne, at least not until the winter and Moreno's back.
  2. And dIdn't it seem like Kamara was a bit too McTominay-style all-over-the-place-and-nowhere? It's not just about the running, but running efficiently, I was thinking.
  3. I read your post with interest. What do you think makes him better than Digne? They both seem sort of like journeymen players. I want to be excited about Acuna but I just don't know him vs. Digne. Digne is complicated for me, and overall I genuinely admire him ... but his salary is comparably huge compared to his teammates, and I know he disappoints some fans. He can be very creative, and in the past, he's sometimes created excellent chances in the box for our forwards or midfielders. I'm less down on Digne as a player than some on VT, and I worry more about our right side, tbh. I guess I'm not seeing Acuna as a huge upgrade but more a slight upgrade with some positive financial implications and potential bedding-in challenges.
  4. It may have been 41 years since we beat Bayern Munich in Rotterdam, but it's still in our blood. I've carefully considered whether I should revise my outlook for Villa this year, based on one very shitty week. I've decided no thanks, not revising. If "realism" floats your boat, go enjoy yours. I'm going to enjoy my belief that Villa will still finish in a CL spot this campaign.
  5. Unlikely. He wasn't acting in his official capacity as a federal employee (the president). Meadows could possibly make that excuse, but not Trump, IMHO.
  6. The activity and debate on this thread seems evidence that there's anxiety about how the high line will fare in no-Mings Emeryball, and while I think it's understandable, I do feel a lot of confidence in our defense without Mings learning the system and adapting their play to develop their fluency with it, including building up any particular areas of athleticism they need to build up. I watched the injury and the build-up to it over and over. Granted, you only get the angles telly coverage offers, but it's illuminating to study. It does highlight the risks of the high line. There are basically three key moments in the injury sequence: Trippier (?), threatened by Ollie, long-balls the ball down the right flank towards Isak, a classic "over the top" kick that goes right over Digne's head. Isak, center right, gets chased down by Mings, who shoulder tackles him hard to his left to "clear a space" around the ball. Mings then lurches to the right to catch the still-rolling ball before it goes out of play and tears his ACL in the sudden stopping-change in direction. Is there anything to be learned here in the Mings injury sequence? Could it have been prevented? I don't think so, apart from an offsides call on Isak. Still, some thoughts that occur to me ... It's true that Ollie might have been faster and more aggressive about trying prevent the ball clearance that led to the chase (very difficult and potentially costly, too). Digne was doing so much at that moment, filling space between Tonali and Almiron, trying in essence to cover them both. That does just seems like a tall order. Digne seemed both overburdened and somewhat useless at the same time, if that makes sense? Newcastle was able to keep hold of the ball for a long time in the lead-up to the injury, too. Not at all to "victim-blame," but Mings really didn't need to slam his shoulder into Isak as the fast-paced ball looked to be headed to roll out of play -- and it would have been a Villa throw-in or goal kick. I mean, there are good reasons for the tackle attempt, too. I'm merely saying it wasn't necessary in terms of affecting the game. Definitely more "a series of unfortunate events." I don't know what big lessons can be taken from it other than life sucks sometimes. Ming's chasing down Isak was unquestionably THE cardinal event that led to the injury. T hese sorts of chase-downs are surely a commonplace risk of high-line play. They're not ideal, are they? Going forward, perhaps we've got to find a way to prevent chase-downs? If we're chasing, we're already behind the run of play, aren't we? Anyway, that's my tuppance.
  7. He's 17 now, but he's liked tinned steak and kidneys (we get them only rarely, when someone travels to Blighty and brings a few back) since he was little. Today, I noticed that the pie leftovers had been moved in the fridge, and when I inspected, I was delighted to find that almost all the remainder had been devoured. My wife is vegetarian, and it wasn't me, and there's just the three of us. That was a very serious pie with big chunks of shoulder beef and veal kidney, so I'm impressed. He's skinny as a rail, too, so I don't know where he puts it all. Anyway, a very successful adventure ... and I do appreciate your thought.
  8. What's bothering you precisely? And why? I don't understand.
  9. Not mad. Not at all. It may be a just shade overly simple in how you present the process of integrating Torres? The transfer market is way too volatile -- especially for a club at Villa's stage -- for rigid planning. I think there's always going to be an opportunistic and imperfect element to bringing in new talent and integrating it -- getting square pegs to fit and horses for courses, etc. I think as as club we need to let go of the idea of "replacing" Mings. We can never do that. We're in uncharted terrain now.
  10. Right up my alley. I love crazy lovers. Isn't it weird how the imagery and tone of everything almost just seems NORMAL by today's standards. Here, in their era, they're "insane." Someone uses bits from "David and Lisa" (1962) with a classic Margo Guryan song for a setting. Perfect ... almost better than the film itself.
  11. Love this old film -- and you can watch the whole film. Janet Margolin is so gorgeous. It's sad that she died so relatively young.
  12. Just a side note: I want to say I would 100% OK with us not having more season-ending injuries for the next two years ... yup, I could accept that.
  13. I think it will be Diego ... he's worked hard on his English and he is a ferocious competitor. One of the ways he actually used his time recovering from the achilles tear was to improve his English. I think some of the quiet in the past has been that language issue.
  14. Hahahaha. This really made me laugh this morning. All noted carefully. But your post makes playing Steven all worth it ...
  15. Agreed. You look at the old reels and just gotta scratch your head. Reminds me a little of what happened with Marcus Rashford in 2020-21. He got injured, came back, and his scoring rate plunged. But a year later, he was back to scoring. Basically same age as Bailey, too. Where is Leon?
  16. My pet theory has been that on Saturday -- considering the totality of circumstances after the Mings injury -- he assessed the situation and calculated that some big shift would introduce yet more strangeness into the game plan and further unnerve our players. And he just felt that was a bridge too far. Something like this: "The squad is already reeling, and now I'm going to ask them to change strategies? And the person who would probably shepherd them into a low block has just been stretchered off the pitch? No. I better stick to the plan." A miscalculation, surely, if very understandable, under the circumstances.
  17. OK, can we please get back serious matters: With someone named Nicolo, do they get a nickname? Or a niconame?
  18. Dang -- Trump's begging for jail. He wants attention / spectacle of remand? If he keeps messing with Judge Tanya ... she will put him in jail. She has a rep for brooking no bs. After all Trump's lifetime of absolutely vile racism, particularly towards black women, seeing him getting brought to ground by brilliant black women judges and prosecutors --- well, it's poetic justice.
  19. Children born at the beginning of this thread will be headed for uni -- or not? now.
  20. This. Agree all day. There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of Mings and Torres in the Twitterverse and casual media commentators who just don't know us that well. Why would people even suggest we need to "replace" Mings? It just seems to an answer the wrong question. We have Torres; he's a stunning defender who plays in a more updated Spanish high-possession style but also does long passes-- he's masterful on the ball, plays towards open spaces, impossible to tackle, etc. Next question, please. Heck, I'd rather see someone like Josh Feeney given a chance before we brought in some lumbering old CB for £30m++. TL;DR version: Need same transfers we needed before Mings injury: A fast and strong new RB; a pacey LW or wide LM who can keep up with Diaby; a new backup keeper.
  21. Wish we knew what kind of efforts were being made with him in terms of coaching. I just don't understand the problem is, you know. It doesn't make sense. I kind of foresee us holding onto him, and when he gets the chance to sub again, he'll score a goal and confuse us all.
  22. Erm, don't we kind of need to sell some ****-ing players? Kind of wondering these things ... FFP is just too complicated for even the indomitable Hive Mind of VT to figure out (because we seem to be pretty damn blithe about it all, after all). Where are our Cassandras? Some of us understand Europa Conference brackets, so we much we clever enough to get FFP. FFP is not something we need to worry about because NSWE "got this." We are heading towards Wolves fuggedupedness and no one understand that anywhere.
  23. Anyone else having weird Slabhead feelings? I just don't see how he fits -- and I feel nervous about the money.
  24. You sound like a good dad. It's funny ... reading your post totally takes me back a decade. Oh, so many model trains lol and "Thomas Town" a few years before that, and the zoo, etc etc. etc. I remember running around sometimes, esp. during school hols, keeping him engaged etc. and sometimes he was just like "I want that one" like on Lou and Andy, and all he wants is to play around with some tin foil lol after I've bought tickets to some big event. You can only do what you can do. Important thing is you're obviously showing him you care --- all far more important than whether this or that "works" in terms discipline. Boundary-setting, limits, days out, heart-to-heart talks. It all counts as healthy engagement.
  25. In my own experience, this would normally call for a change in tactic. I might come down to his level (physically getting down face to face, too, instead of standing above) and try to have a seriously rational discussion about choices and everyone's feelings and needs and consequences. It sounds like weak sauce, but it does sometimes break up an impasse. Sort of a "OK, we need to stop and talk" parenting move, and then lay out some new realistic choices but get him to invest in the process of working them out, if that makes sense? Anyway, best wishes. I sympathise! It's so awesome your kid isn't welded mentally to digital stuff and likes to go outside. Well done with that! You're doing something right, that's for sure.
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