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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. Well, it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. I was wondering after the fixture list from hell at the start of the season, some memorable wins (Man City at home being a spectacular example), the mind numbing inconsistencies in the quality of the football with sublime and ridiculous demonstrated in almost equal measure how AVFCLion2013 is feeling about his inaugural season as a Villa fan so far?
  2. Regarding the Cahill thing. My Dad met Graham Taylor on an plane I think coming back from a European game that GT had been the pundit on.. He asked about the whole Cahill thing and GT was adamant that the club had done the right thing. Apparently GC was getting a bit too big for his boots and becoming quite disruptive. They all knew that he was going to be a good player, but he just didn't see his future at Villa Park. At the time £5M was the best they could get and it was the consensus at the club that it would be better to let him go than to have him get more difficult down the line. I am paraphrasing a lot as I was told this a long time ago and obviously my dad was recalling a conversation that he had had. I don't think the club messed up on this, I just think that they had to make the best out of a bad situation.
  3. We need a defender with Okore out for as long as he is. Big, strong and technically sound is a good start if the descriptions online are too be believed. Anyway ITSOP is when I will get a little more excited
  4. Sadly I believe most ways that she could have answered I would have interpreted in the same way. I'm just clearly and old fart. The lazy answer was probably just the answer of the Twitter generation. I was not even able to mock Cameron for thinking that lol meant lots of love as I also once believed this. Worse than that I thought rofl meant vomiting. If I can't get a touch screen device to work I press harder. If I didn't think I was old, I have been assured by my colleagues that secret santa will be bringing me pipe and slippers. I'll try and go gracefully
  5. You want to feel old, try this on for size. There is one of the young, pretty admin girls where I work that I'm having a chat with waiting for the kettle to boil. She says that she is going out. I ask what she is going to be doing. She says "Bridge". I explain that I didn't know that she played cards. The Bridge is apparently a club in town.
  6. For me it is not the domestic game that has overtaken the international one, it is FIFA destroying the credibility of the world cup that has blown it for me. FIFA are palpably out of touch with the common football fan and horribly corrupt. I'm really glad we are not hosting a world cup as FIFA is a parasite that lands on a nations, sucks out all the wealth that it can before moving on to another host. They have taken something beautiful in the World Cup and turned it into something tawdry and horrible (look at how many workers are dying to build the stadiums in Quatar right now). No sport is worth the corruption and inhumanity that is done in the name of football right now. I will be boycotting the event as much as I am able until it changes, but I imagine my individual efforts will be about as futile as a worker in Quatar trying to get his or her passport back from their employers
  7. I had an CPU controlled player running up and down the touchline rather than take a throw in. He did it until halftime but the ref would not blow up with the ball out of play so it took a complete reboot to get out of the game.
  8. I'm so out of touch, I had to Google half the names on this thread. Time well spent. For me: Rosario Dawson Monica Bellucci Salma Hayek Maria Grazia Cucinotta Maggie Q Adriana Lima I have invited them all to interview so I can narrow it down to a top 3. I am planning a x-factor style judges houses sort of event where there will be a number of "auditions" throuout a week or two at my place. I'm sure the wife will be cool about it.
  9. Hi all. In 13 you were able to take your pro into the arena and complete a load of skills to improve their stats. Do you know if that is available in 14?
  10. Once upon a time I was chatting to a couple of American girls (on holiday in Vegas). I explained to them that my accent was because I'm from another country called England. I was then asked what language that we speak there. I was so shocked I had a complete sarcasm failure and answered honesty. Probably for the best as they went on to compliment my American.
  11. Ukraine are diving like a bunch of clearings in the woods
  12. I'm sure he'll pull through. He's the proverbial duck's back and it's coated in proverbial NeverWet spray. Judging by his hashtag responses on keek he's enjoying stoking the fire. #thewaterinmytapisharder was pretty funny. Bless Gabby, he is ace.
  13. The questions should be are Stoke the new Villa. Stephen Ireland is there, Stoke are in the Premier League, they have a manager that used to play football, the similarities are almost endless.
  14. The death threats are unacceptable and I don't care who they came from. As much as we can take the piss out of them being 13 year old girls incapable of following through on the threats they have made, there is no telling how this is making Gabby feel or indeed his family. He has a bunch of young kids, do you think they feel safe with all this vitriol flying about? Are they able to understand that the threats probably aren't real. I recall in the news lately the lady that campaigned for women to be included on English bank notes received a bunch of rape threats and some pretty horrible abuse. That was properly investigated and I think one person got arrested (recall may not be 100% on this). for my money the same needs to be done here. I don't want to see any 13 yr old girls going to jail or anything silly like that, but a stern talking to about future behavior from the authorities would seem proportionate. if it turns out that some of the abuse came from those a little older and should know better (I also recall laughing at the mums that got into a fight at the 1D movie premier trying to get a better view) then they should get a warning. At the end of the day who is to say that there is not one genuine deranged nutter out there in amongst the hysteria who actually means it. Gabby does not deserve what is happening to him and this shit needs stamping on. Equally it degrades us for taking the mick out of he 1d kid who got injured. He's playing in the Stan charity match for gods sake, I can't think of much more he can do to endear himself to us, yet because some of his fans are morons he is getting a bunch of stick. I hope he can come out and tell his fans to calm the hell down, but otherwise fair play to the chap.
  15. Anyone that is on twitter and see's a death threat should be hitting that report button. Neither Gabby or indeed the pop star chap have done anything wrong. The reaction is so out of order it is not true and they need dealing with.
  16. It's one of the best Villa goals since that team effort that won Yorke goal of the season all those years ago. It is almost a shame it happened against Rotherham as there is always the argument that we would not be able to do that against a better team. It does demonstrate a gigantic leap in the standard of football we are aspiring to though.
  17. £1.75 Million. That sort of money can buy you a Westwood, a Sylla or a Luna. I feel a bit embarrassed taking that much money off anyone for him.
  18. Chelsea fans are very up for this and for one reason only. They are just a little bit scared of us.
  19. Hang on. Did Benteke just get booked for getting kicked in the head?
  20. Tell you what, this is the Delph I saw in his first couple of games for the club. Loving seeing him recapture that form, hope we can see him injury free for the season and we have another 20 million player on our hands.
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