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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. That shirt (as in the exact one in that picture) is about 50 ft away from me right now! **** me how big is your lounge? Hahaha! It's in the office.
  2. I know someone who has played alongside him at a professional level (not when they were kids) and rates him really highly so you never know.
  3. That shirt (as in the exact one in that picture) is about 50 ft away from me right now!
  4. I always use Travelex (but fly out of Manchester). It's a great service and their currency card is good too if you don't want all cash. Sign up for their newsletter too as they occasionally do a happy hour where you get an even better rate.
  5. Wigan - the type of club who are at the heart of why England has such a poor national team. Figueroa, Boyce, Joel Robles, Di Santo, Crusat, Kone. All cheap foreign crap that could've been the likes of Westwood or Bennett or Lowton. The turd that wouldn't flush has finally been pushed round the u-bend by an Arsenal shaped bog brush. Good riddance.
  6. Never been so happy to lose a tenner to the bookies. Delighted!
  7. Looks like adidas are going "all in" on pockets this season. And Marseille get a touch of denim effect too. Always wanted a denim football shirt?
  8. ad then right on cue I read this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22523981
  9. Look around and get yourself half price for a year. Get the full hit on movies and sports. BT, Virgin etc just don't stack up. As much as I don't like the principle of Sky, Murdoch etc, if you're going down the route of more tv channels and better quality it has to be Sky.
  10. Surely you could sort that yourself? Only need a projector and laptop. Sound would be a struggle but at least you could show pictures That's what I thought but I went up to view the room and it's just not suitable. It's the wrong shape, and there are no flat, picture/mirror-free walls to project onto so it'd need a screen too. Gonna have to rely on my natural ability to wow a crowd.
  11. I don't think he was very popular with large chunks of the first team squad. Also, after Cook was fired, Mancini was largely left to run the club on his own and (as they won the league) it worked. Once the Barcelona contingent arrived the dynamic shifted and that was it for him...
  12. He'd done that before they hired him, with a more established side too.
  13. The wedding is at a proper castle so there are no powerpoint or presentations tools available. My original plan was to create an X-Factor style montage involving interviewing the lads on the stag do plus his family etc. Would've been funny. Sadly not. I don't think the father of the bride will deliver a long or sunny speech. He's a fairly traditional Chinese guy and although I don't know him that well I can't see him suddenly turning into Jimmy Carr on the day. I'm kind of inclined to throw a few good jokes in there but generally make it about what a great guy he is. We've been best friends forever and doing a faux stitch-up doesn't really feel appropriate.
  14. 20599! http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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%3D%3D
  15. Not a bad first go! http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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
  16. I've taken Wigan's away win at 8s. Got a tenner on. That should see us safe
  17. I've got a tenner on Wigan to win away at Arsenal at 8/1. I never win a bet like that so it should be taken care of.
  18. You'd agree he's not an "advanced playmaker" then? I would be happy to call him a CM, with greater emphasis on the defensive aspects. Well you do that then and we'll just get on with the rest of our lives.
  19. Some interesting tips in here. I've watched a load of footage on YouTube too to get some idea on gags and structure. I'll probably just have one story about him and weave it around a few other lines. Should start writing it down really... I'm going to aim for 7-8 mins. I reckon that'll be enough.
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