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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. I'm Trent aware enough to know that you would too. Stories suggest that the Imam protected the guy until the police arrived. Regardless of the demographics at play, anyone doing that is showing incredible restraint - particularly as you'd expect him to know every single person injured or killed.
  2. Always a relief to know that our white terrorists are more presentable than those Islamist hordes
  3. I'm sure I read somewhere that there was a £2 per tile price difference to the fire retardant one, saving them £5000 on the whole job. Based on the supposed 58 dead, that's less than £90 per life. **** hell. EDIT - I did read that, here
  4. I had a really tough day yesterday, for no reason at all. The sun was shining, my daughter's nursery was putting on a Father's Day BBQ that I'd been really looking forward to, my new car should be delivered in the next few days and we're going on a nice holiday in a couple of weeks. All I wanted to do was spend the day face down in a pillow. On paper life is looking great, but I still keep having days where I'm looking out at the world from inside a cave. They're not so frequent any more, thankfully, but it's hard - particularly as there's nowhere to hide when you've got a kid. You just have to try to get on with it. Today I feel a lot better, even though I've managed to get a hangover from two pints of weak session ale! I've also just read the news about Ant McPartlin, someone who seemingly has it all but has checked into rehab to battle his anxiety and depression, and his chosen means of tackling it - drink, drugs, and prescription painkillers. It's a funny thing, mental health. All the things in life you think would make you the happiest man on Earth don't always do that. Perhaps it's the sacrifices we make in order to get those things that finally take their toll, however close or not we come to getting them. This post has no particular meaning. It's a bit of a release, a bit of musing, and a bit of reminding us all that you never really know what's going on behind someone else's eyes.
  5. Kind of feels like the hate towards the Government IS on topic -
  6. Average house prices: Hook - £455,330; Didcot - £318,446; Whitchurch - £345,789; Haslemere - £550,004; Petersfield - £397,111. You wouldn't make a very good living trying to encourage people in social housing to move out into anywhere you've suggested so far. What's the monthly rent on ivory towers in your part of the world?
  7. Sounds like a good shout... I'll knock up a little PowerPoint tonight and head down to those community centres in the morning to give them some ideas. If there's much interest I'll send them to this - The 31 hotspots where house prices will surge now
  8. Yes. It generates too much disparity, it drives prices up, it drives rents up. If a big part of Kensington is unoccupied that's a lot of homes unavailable for sale or rent. That means people move to other areas. That means those areas are oversubscribed, and so prices go up and rents go up. As rents rise, so it becomes harder for renters to buy. In 2014 there were 1.4m empty properties across the UK. And there are people living on our streets, and people with good jobs who can't afford to buy a house because the ones on the market are in such high demand. And beneath all that? The folks who live in places like Grenfell Tower, who can never dream of owning somewhere (particularly somewhere near where they were born and went to school). They're shacked up in glorified jails while we celebrate an influx of Chinese investment that has disastrous consequences across the land.
  9. No, but there's THIS And also THIS It's a huge problem in cities across the world too. Desirable cities, that is. I experienced it first hand in Vancouver, where there is a huge housing shortage, largely driven by Asian "investment" into the city. Over 90% of houses across the city are AT LEAST CAD$1m, with 25,000 homes being empty or rarely occupied. That's a staggering 8.2% of the whole city! It means crazy rents too. The rent on a 4 bedroom house in a nicer (not the nicest) area while we were there was $5,000 per month. They're trying to tackle it by introducing a 1% second home tax on empty properties, which relates to the value of the property. In the nicest suburbs of Vancouver a typical family 3-4 bedroom home would sell for around $3.5m so it's a decent chunk of change.
  10. EDIT - I'm aware that your reference to the Black Lives Matter campaign was something that started with good intent and got way out of hand. I'm being a cheeky chappy!
  11. My Stoke City save is going well. Started unemployed and took over midway through season 1. Now into the 2017-2018 season and was 5th-7th for most of the season but then on the final day beat Man Utd at home to end up 2nd! Won the EFL Cup and the Europa League, beating Roma in the final. Remarkable scenes! Arsenal are the dominant team at the moment, winning the league two years in a row and the Champions League this season too. Man City and Chelsea are both midtable and burning through managers. Guardiola has just arrived at Chelsea in the summer of 2018, but there was some competition - Meanwhile, I've (for the first time) been granted a stadium expansion. Will be great to have a bigger ground, but not sure how my fans will feel having their first ever season in the Champions League being played entirely at Hillsborough!!!
  12. Reading this - Made me think of this -
  13. Not necessarily. It would've saved a large proportion of those firefighters from having to endure 12 hour shifts instead of the recommended 4 hours though. There's got to be a butterfly effect somewhere in the chain.
  14. Presumably they just placed his avatar over 2011 Gabby?
  15. Exactly. There are hundreds of simply beautiful houses within a 2 mile radius of that tower block. If you don't like it, just go and live in one of them!
  16. Huddersfield have apparently agreed a £10m fee for Aaron Mooy. Crikey!
  17. I think we'll be alright (as in we'll be pottering about in mid-table again), but I think we need players if we're going to be challenging at the top of the table. We need to create more chances of a higher quality. We need more mobility in midfield. I don't think it's as bad as needing to fulfil the shopping list you put together, but we're still a work in progress that needs pushing forward.
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