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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. I must say I'm not 100 % sure I want this any more. Our recent success with Tim has got me a bit timid in wanting a new owner. I suppose it means that we have something to lose again, six months ago I would've taken any new owner. I'm not so sure any more, things could actually get worse if we get really poor owners. I hear you. I don't mean any new owner, agree with you on that. I mean someone who can run us a little better who is richer so we can compete at a higher level than we can with Lerner. Someone who doesn't mess with club colours or traditions is also a given in that. But the point is, richer doesn't matter any more - FFP has stopped that from mattering, unless you want to take a hit that 99.9% of the world wouldn't be prepared to take in the shape of a fine. Fox seems to be running things well enough and I'm all for leaving him to it.
  2. He's managed 6 starts and 3 sub appearances for Fiorentina this year. No thanks. And Sinclair and Cleverly were setting off fireworks prior to coming? Point is, he is proven, young considering his experience and can do a job. He's played 18 times in 3 years, he stayed at city chasing money and **** it up, rumours last summer he wanted £60k a week to sign for prem teams His problem was he had piss poor defensive attributes but great physical attributes and when he should have been developing one in preparation for the other starting to deteriorate he wasn't playing football, his positioning will still be terrible but now he won't have the pace to cover for it Not sure how he's proven either, everyone could see what he was, he got found out big time This - Richards is a poor footballer with very limited ability and almost no brain. He's just an athlete and an expensive one at that.
  3. Yes, it's a way round FFP but the chance we have of getting somebody who is willing to burn tens of millions of pounds to do that, is practically none. That argument in defense of Lambert was a weak one - with ownership it's a lot more pertinent.
  4. He's a young, inexperienced CB - he's going to make mistakes and have issues with consistency from time to time. Hell of a prospect though.
  5. His first ever summer as a football manager - it'll be an interesting test for him and difficult for us to guess what he's going to do because he's an unknown quantity there.
  6. Was thinking about this the other day too - he looks like he's really enjoying his football at the moment.
  7. This - if anything the continuity would be better anyway. As I said, I'd like to see Fox and Sherwood working together and with as few disruptions as possible - can't think of many things more disruptive than an ownership change.
  8. I'd be fine with that - I don't really want to change anything at the moment, we're in a good position to crack on next season with Fox and Sherwood.
  9. No it isn't - he did a good job today and kept Barkley quiet.
  10. Doing a great job and proving a lot of doubters wrong (myself included) - keep up the good work Tim!
  11. Think he should have done better for both goals personally - Lukaku's pen wasn't up to much and he should have been stronger with Coleman. I think Guzan would have kept at least one of those out.
  12. Maybe Guzan has been affected by the news that Given is going to start in the cup final? Could be very disappointed and that resulted in a lack of confidence?
  13. He was in the Championship team of the season - that seems to be pretty consistent to me?
  14. The same agent who secured him a fat new contract, yes. He's a good agent, which means that we're not going to like him and neither will the clubs that deal with him.
  15. lexicon

    Carles Gil

    At least he has the balls to own up and admit he's wrong.
  16. He's been doing exactly the same thing he was doing in Lambert's system - just Sherwood's system is a lot more effective. Unfairly maligned early on, glad to see him getting some praise and recognition now.
  17. This - He's a very good keeper and we're lucky to have him. He has been ropey this season and cost goals Every keeper makes mistakes - they're human. He's also, quite literally, saved us a lot of points too.
  18. If the buyers only want to make money we don't want them anyway! Most buyers will just be looking at that side of things - which is why I wouldn't mind sticking with Randy and the set up we have now. It could be a lot worse and there's not a massive chance of it being much better.
  19. West Brom will be bringing in the same amount of TV money and probably have far lower operating costs than us. Seems a good club to buy if you want to actually try and make money from a football club - certainly a better bet than us, Everton or Newcastle where the expectations of the fans are higher, the aforementioned operating costs are higher etc.
  20. lexicon

    Carles Gil

    If we're playing well and winning games - I'm not going to question the manager's choice of personnel.
  21. This - He's a very good keeper and we're lucky to have him.
  22. Lowton/Richardson - doesn't make much difference. Neither of them are good enough, really.
  23. Benteke'll go there if they pony up 30mil and we're not going to overtake Liverpool. Let's be realistic here guys.
  24. Since I truly got into football, I've seen us win the peace cup. I'll take anything, to be honest.
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