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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. As weird/bad as this sounds - I'm worried that we'll get a result and he'll get a stay of execution. Unbelievable, regardless of feelings towards the manager Villa fans should want nothing less than 3 points tomorrow. You see I think this is a shortsighted way of looking at it. It's better to take a loss in one game than be stuck with a guy who has no idea what he's doing for the longer term. The latter IMO is a lot more damaging to the club.
  2. As weird/bad as this sounds - I'm worried that we'll get a result and he'll get a stay of execution.
  3. With Villa doing a Villa alphabet, I thought I'd do one for Sherwood: A - Arrogant B - Bored (by his own team) C - Charlatan D - Delusions of grandeur. E - Easily outwitted F - G - Gilet. H I - J - K - Kozak, his mortal enemy (apparently). L - Losers. As in everyone else and not him, apparently. M - Media. The only people talking him up right now. N O - Out of his depth. P - Pragmatic. Q R - Responsibility (lol) S - Substitutions (lol) T - Tactics. (lol) U V W - Westwood. His untouchable prince of set pieces. X Y Z - Zero clue about what he's doing. Got to go back to work, feel free to add your own or finish it off.
  4. Warburton's done very well at lower levels but again, he's not got any top flight experience - not as a player, nor as a manager.
  5. Got myself Kevin De Bruyne! Sweet.
  6. I think the problem might not necessarily be him but more how the players respond to him. He might struggle to get respect from them as he didn't do anything as a player and as he's never managed at a high level, he might not know how to deal with them. Plus, the fact that he's an American may mean that some players are automatically pre-disposed to not listen to him when it comes to footballing matters. Obviously this is wrong but I can just imagine someone like Gabby saying 'What would he know? He's a Yank'.
  7. Count me out RE: Bradley. Too big a risk IMO - he's not managed at this sort of level before, certainly not at a club that resembles ours. We need experience, badly.
  8. Monk has done a good job at Swansea but I don't think he's the right guy for the job - we need an older head with a lot of top flight experience. I'd still go for Moyes.
  9. So now even our academy sucks. Great.
  10. Makes it sound like you're considering whether to give him a handjob. I was thinking more assassination attempt, to be honest - the mafia 'taking care of'. If you think that would work you could always give it a try? I'm not particularly keen on the idea myself.
  11. I'm loath to criticise players too much given how awful the manager is. I rate Brad and I think he's a good goalkeeper for us - mistake aside.
  12. Only by 'taking care' of Sherwood, in one way or another.
  13. "I would never be pragmatic" - there are no words for that. Only this: He probably doesn't even know what it means.
  14. I can't believe Sherwood is blaming someone other than himself. Oh wait. Yes, I can. He's a tosser who does it all the time.
  15. I'll never understand why someone would want to go down playing attacking football. Why is using and organising a defence such an upsetting proposition?
  16. And it should have been one of our greatest days. I wouldn't go anywhere near that far but we should have put up a lot more of a fight than we did, that's for sure.
  17. Yeah, it's everyone else who's wrong. Definitely.
  18. I see Sherwood managed to get his vote in before his 'blame everyone else' presser.
  19. It was time for him to go at least 2 weeks ago.
  20. I kind of admire Costa's dedication to being an utter bastard.
  21. So Sherwood is so good at tactics, he manages to out-tactic himself? Or whatever, Sherwood out.
  22. Top defending from Richards again there.
  23. This exclusive just in: Tim Sherwood's tactical selection process revealed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz-PtEJEaqY
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