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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. The tactical master-stroke of playing Kieran Richardson didn't pay off then? I for one am FLABBERGASTED at this revelation.
  2. Fabregas there - just grabs his face and pretends to be hurt, sees the ref isn't interested and stops immediately. Bunch of cheap dirty bastards, this lot.
  3. Richards really shouldn't have gone to ground there either.
  4. Haha! Jesus. It's not like they really need the extra luck with players like that, is it? Ah well, hopefully they'll get a few more and Sherwood will get his marching orders.
  5. Don't make me post that Mourinho gif again Get some new material you lazy sod.
  6. Don't make me post that Mourinho gif again
  7. I agree that he shouldn't have been in that position but as an experienced CB, he should have dealt with it.
  8. Because it was a diabolical touch. If he had any sort of technique he could have controlled it and quickly passed it back to Guzan, who could have cleared it properly.
  9. Not a good choice from Guzan but Lescott really has to control that - he's a professional footballer ffs.
  10. I'm not fed up with the club or football - I'm fed up with Sherwood.
  11. Good move for Coventry - should slot in nicely seeing as Mowbray's got them playing football.
  12. Kinda weird that you have to even spell that out anyway, if you ask me.
  13. He'll be a hell of a lot more use there than at CB.
  14. It doesn't need to. Shitwood is the one deciding who plays and who doesn't. We've all seen that Grealish and Gil can cross the ball very well, so there's no reason why we can't play them all together.
  15. Gestede is 1 in 2 for us so far, same as Benteke was. We're talking about goals here, just to clarify - not comparing them in terms of technique etc. Benteke is clearly a better player but their ratios for us, at the moment, are the same.
  16. Just a couple of changes to my lot - got Foster in goal instead of Zieler and Krychowiak is now my CDM. The rewards for winning cups is awesome - I did the Indomitable Cup and the final reward is 20000GP, which is great. Absolutely love Ola Toivonen, he's class. Best rated is Yaya Toure though, who's now 91 rated.
  17. - Delph and Benteke were the only big losses, really. People didn't generally rate Cleverley and it's clear that Vlaar's injuries are getting the better of him. I think that Gana and Veretout will prove to be better combined than Delph and Cleverley, too. - Which of the other players that we let go were important to keep or even needed replacing? They were stinking up the place and barely even worth a space on the bench. Most of them were surplus to requirements. - I agree that we didn't replace Benteke but I don't think it was as simple as just signing a striker for 15mil. There had to be the right guy available for the right price who wanted to come to us. Furthermore, I think it was important to try and spread the goals around the team a bit more and stop the over-reliance on just one guy for goals - a lot of people were concerned that our other attackers didn't chip in enough, and we bought some more attacking players to facilitate that.
  18. Rubbish! Who gives a piss about what Lambert had? He failed. You're so dedicated to the Tim-Is-Root-Of-All-Wrong paradigm, you can't see the bigger picture. In the context of the league, Villa hasn't spent shite. We're #18 in rank -- and in net spending. Not good enough for a team that has barely survived relegation year after year. According to sky, we were 15th in terms of net spend. According to the guardian, we spent the 6th most of all teams. Overall - the fact that we shelled out in excess of 50mil is the important factor here. Ten teams didn't even spend half of that, including all of the recently promoted ones. And I think we actually bought well too - lots of talented young players who are finding their feet in this league. It doesn't matter how you look at it - it's not a shoestring. That's such hyperbolic rubbish, I felt compelled to put that right.
  19. A shoestring?! Did you see how much money we spent this summer? Lambert had sod all in comparison.
  20. That's not really the meaning of the expression is it? Would one result really change your mind about a manager?
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