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Everything posted by tomaspg

  1. How many more do we need for safety? Time to start counting
  2. Well that was some dire stuff. Unless something change were never going beyond midtable here
  3. good to hear, hopefully he will be back in the first team soon enough
  4. guessing so, or maybe no 3 and 4 are incoming depending on 2 players leaving prior
  5. 2 or 3 or 4 or 5? so much for beeing productive at work today :/
  6. stoked for the game. we need another win to keep the run going. a solid 1-3 should do it
  7. nice, think the loan suits us better anyways. hopefully he can deliver! welcome
  8. but childish fights and feelings are more important than winning!
  9. im sure anyone we sign will have his talent and will to live drained in 2 games anyways. we might as well get some league 3 players, no point in bollocking up more careers. As many has stated IMO the best thing would be to get rid of bruce for someone who can actually get something out of the talent we have. If the new guy wants to get another player in thats a different story.
  10. feels like this has been an issue since forever. quite surprised we havent done anything about it. a playmaker cant be that hard to find..
  11. For **** sake, we really have no luck with injuries.. get well soon jack, hes fairly young so hope its a quickish recovery
  12. Awesome, bit steep on the pricing but atleast i get to watch some games alot better than last year
  13. welcome terry exiting times!
  14. would be a solid signing! should be able to put some spine in our back four
  15. dont see the point in selling him if we dont recuperate atleast what we spent. Personally id wish he would stay though as i think he is capable of doing the job when we get back up to the PL. how much is left on his contract anyways?
  16. good to hear! hopefully they take it slow so there isnt another injury before the season starts.
  17. what are the dates for the window again? beginning of july to the end of august or something?
  18. glad hes been given another shot. hopefully he makes something out of it!
  19. add another swede to the list living in gothenburg, i go to the odd game but dont really support any particular local team. Cant really remember how i picked villa, was quite a while ago
  20. top post. In my opinion it has never been about religion even if it has played a central part. its peoples priorities that are twisted, as you say people are multifarious, a person is not made from a single concept. At an early age I considered my self a christian, but i priorities my own desires over the ones preached by the book, i had premarital sex, i stole and did a lot of other stuff that wasn't seen as "right" according to the church because even if christianity ment something to me at that point so did a lot of other things. Just like my old friend from uni would offer me alcohol at his house even though he was a muslim I prioritzed the girl over the book (and the snickers i stole was **** delicious). The people who are at fault are the ones who prioritize hate and violence over love and compassion, regardless of whatever other personal beliefs they might have.
  21. **** these people. The best we can do is to avoid the path they are trying to usher us to with their horrid actions. We need to make our own way, not bow down to fear or budge our priorities because they say so. Looking back through history this is what us swedes have done and it has done us well in return, it is in the harshest of times that our values plays their utmost important part.
  22. kodjia will sort them out no worries.
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