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Everything posted by Delphinho123

  1. The most depressing part of it all is Saudi Arabia will win their bid in 2030.
  2. Agreed that money talks, but I'm not sure that opposing modern slavery, equal rights for men and women and equal rights for the LGBTQ community are 'wishy washy liberal views'. I wouldn't class myself as a 'liberal' and I sure as hell think this whole WC has been a completely distasteful, unmitigated disaster.
  3. Even when Wesley was here, I thought he was such a poor player. He did ok in a couple of games but for the most part, was very, very bad. On top of that, you have the injury, which sounds as if it's all but ended his career. I feel for the bloke.
  4. I've been saying this for as long as anyone will listen, we're not great at loaning our players out. We either don't loan them out, or we make a mess of the club we loan the player to. There are, of course, a couple of exceptions, but on the whole, we need to improve at it. In fairness, I think we have improved since NSWE came in, but we still could be a lot better at it!
  5. I've never been that impressed by him whenever I've seen him play (Liverpool goal aside). I've always thought Kessler, A. Ramsey and Chuk were the players that had the best chance of breaking through. Hopefully he surprises me, but I think he's destined to ply his trade in either L1 or maybe the Championship if things go his way. Which is fine, he'll earn more money than I will in my lifetime.
  6. I really can’t see us signing Thuram given the clubs he’s linked with. Although I did say that about Kamara and we did well there.
  7. I think you're right, but I also think Cricket has done an excellent job of re-inventing itself almost and moving with the times. Yes, it's heavily commercialised now, but you can't say it hasn't driven a huge amount of interest in the sport. Like all things, there needs to be a balance which I agree, there isn't at the moment, but T20 and to a lesser extent T100, have really made cricket an attractive option as a sporting event to go and watch and take the kids. My brother in law hasn't been to a cricket match in his life but went to a T100 game at Edgbaston recently with his daughter and he came back saying he can't wait to go again next year. That's an example of somebody who has no real passion for the game, going and enjoying the sport with his family. That can only be a good thing.
  8. I watched an interview with a pollster on CNN and he framed it quite nicely by saying Trump would lose simply because enough people dislike him so much that they would vote against him regardless of who is running for the Dems (if that makes sense). However, if DeSantis were to run, it's likely he wouldn't garner the same hate and people would at least entertain his ideas and views. Trumps race is run. I'm convinced the only reason he wants a second term is because it will help him avoid spending the rest of his days in prison.
  9. This is where I’m at. If someone came in with a bid of £55-60m, they’d be doing so off the back of a handful of decent performances for us. I can’t see it myself. Bailey is getting better here but if someone offered mega money, I’d sell and try to replace with two starters.
  10. That Dest looks like a handy right back. I’ve always liked Pulisic, would love him down the Villa.
  11. A World Cup should never be awarded to a country that wouldn't also host a Womens World Cup.
  12. Yeh, some very good points. It's a mess from top to bottom then to surmise.
  13. I knew that would be brought up... But surely this is different. Teams breaking away from their domestic leagues is a little different from national teams breaking away from FIFA, surely? It wouldn't be easy, I get that, and it goes against the status quo, but FIFA is a cancerous, odious organisation that just isn't fit for purpose.
  14. The love in from the media will never stop. Just take a look at Steve Bruce. He fails, fails a bit more, then fails even further and no matter where he goes, fans are told he's the messiah and that they shouldn't be too harsh on him. Even when he walked out on Sheff Wed and then said he'd never quit a job whilst at Newcastle, the media said nothing. Maybe Gerrard is the next Bruce? Infallible.
  15. This is a genuine question. Apologies for the ignorance. But why do we have FIFA. Why does it have to be the FIFA WC? I know it's always been done this way but we're talking about one of the most corrupt organisations in the world here. Why do they have to organise it? Can't countries just organise their own tournament or break away?
  16. I actually think he'd do well in a top division somewhere else. The PL is just a little too quick for him and he struggles on the ball. He'd be absolutely fine somewhere like Holland or France.
  17. Not too worried about the age profile. If we went after Zaha, we’d have a midfield/forward options that probably looked like this: Watkins - 27 Bailey - 25 Zaha - 30 Ramsey - 22 Kamara - 22 Luiz - 25 Buendia - 25 Coutinho - 30 Hardly an OAP club.
  18. 100% with this. Imagine him with Bailey behind him (as long as Bailey keeps the form up). The opposition would have a serious headache.
  19. I guarantee that if there was any genuine interest in him from a top team, his dad would be moving heaven and earth to make it happen.
  20. I imagine he’ll want pace up top and out wide. We have that to an extent in Bailey and Watkins but I think he’ll want a couple more options. A top striker and another wide player gives us serious options both in a 4-4-2 and a 4-2-3-1 formation Not sure we can afford another striker on big money with Ings and Watkins both here? Would we need to get rid of one? We both know Ings isn’t going anywhere. Having both Coutinho and Buendia here also limits how much we can spend on another attacking player. Id love us to really trim the squad as well as adding to it in Jan and the Summer.
  21. I feel like he’s a very similar player to Buendia and Coutinho. Not sure he’s what we need at all so can’t see this one being true.
  22. Potentially, maybe, but Zaha is a better player at present. I think you’d be hard pressed to find many fans of other clubs that would say Bailey is better than Zaha. You probably wouldn’t find many Villa fans that think that! But I admire your enthusiasm!
  23. Like bringing him on when we were chasing the game and needed a goal?
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