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Everything posted by tonyh29

  1. Kinnock and Hague both lost elections because they were baldies FACT * I have a friend who is bald and was in his mid twenties , few of our friends make jokes of it as does he himself but it's not something I'm comfortable with so i tend to make jokes about his weight instead * may not actually be true
  2. don't you just hate it when you confuse your Alan's
  3. yet more stuff i didn[t know , I feel like Alan Davies :oops: you'll be telling me the earth isn't flat next ...
  4. loads of them in Surrey as well ..they used to land on the tree in my back garden , they chase all the other birds away and strip the tree bare ... not seen them since i moved but I assume they are still about ,was rumoured to be up to 30,000 of them !!
  5. taking into account where you live surely you must be related and met at a wedding or orgy or something ?
  6. he is pretty amazing really , even when i used to take him to/from his chemo treatment or go visit him I never saw him let it get him down , I think had it been me I'd have locked myself away in a room and felt sorry for myself ... he is my current hero , but I'm still going to support Charlton to annoy him
  7. my mate got the all clear from his cancer after months of treatment (he had half the nerves removed from his face :-( ) he's a Brentford fan so tomorrow 15 of us are off to watch Brentford v Charlton ..main reason for going is Griffin Park has a pub on every corner of the ground .. there is a good chance i wont bother with the football After the match we are heading down to Windsor for the night ..needless to say Sunday has been written off
  8. Was sure I'd posted in this thread before :confused: Bicks , Blandy , RJW , Michelson ,Pelle , Ian Robo , Sit Down potato head , Old big ears , Jon , Sparey16 , Lancvilla + son , awol , snowychap , ahaamad ... and though I'm trying to erase it from my memory banks Drat01 (only kidding mate ) I'm sure I've met a few others at the cup final but I'd had a few :-)
  9. tonyh29


    following on from Lepal's post , how is it deemed to be cheating ?
  10. tonyh29


    Played it in a hotel in Quito , set my limit at $20 and that was it , i don't mind drinking and whoring my money up the wall but hate loosing it on something like random gambling , was up to about $40 at one point but soon lost it all ...didn't seem any fun to me tbh ..least Poker has an element of skill to it , along with a lot of luck the locals were chucking coins on pretty much every square , they would be up 100's of $ then down again and then invariably off to the ATM and back again .. I doubt it ended well for them
  11. I don't recall Bruce Willis changing them in 6th Sense but then I'm also fairly sure they used to change clothes in Rentaghost so tough one to call really ..maybe it depends on the personal taste of the ghost ?
  12. not if your name is Sepp Blater
  13. i'm probably in that camp as well ..and I hated the ending (think i say that about a lot of films thinking about it )
  14. never knew that .. so now I know they are legumes can I do them under the trade description act ?
  15. The packet of peanuts that I am currently eating from containing a warning telling me that the pack of nuts I'm eating from may contain nuts No shit Sherlock
  16. Why Michael Portillo comes across as reasoned and humble on "this week" when he came across as a complete arrogant arse when he was an MP
  17. I think Cameron runs the risk of being ousted by his own party if he is seen too pro Europe so the sound bites could be more for their benefit as much as his
  18. I gave it as long as 4 secs before I turned it off ... Can't stand rap music But I did see his initial audition on the show and thought he was pretty good
  19. Some interesting comments on the EU from Cameron of late EU referendum in 2012 perhaps ?
  20. Lewis rightly fired , probably 4 weeks too late Curly black haired girl looked gutted ... Seems that Lewis didn't hang about after his other love of his life got fired
  21. Indeed.....If only people could practise what they preach :winkold:
  22. in some middle East conflict according to my dad ... he also reckons that one had to shoot down a harrier once :confused: (my dad is an anorak when it comes to planes so it's probably true on both counts)
  23. fair enough , thanks for clearing it up Think trees commented quite well on the rest of the post so I won't repeat him ... but i'll just add I worked in the City with a lot of "I'm alright jacks" when one of the admin girls got some from of cancer they all put in together to pay for her pioneering treatment in America ... some just gave money , others arranged a big swimathon in the pool at the office , one bloke bought 2 first class tickets for her and her sister for the initial appointment so , I just can't subscribe to this rich people don't care "belief" that you have ...
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