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Everything posted by tonyh29

  1. David Jason Greatest Escapes on ITV3 I've been to colditz and whilst some of the escape attempts do sound like they came straight out of 'Ello 'Ello you can't doubt the courage and ingenuity of all concerned
  2. maybe back in the stone age but that view was disproven 30 years ago , it's been proven to be nothing more than an “old-wives tale” What is an old wives tale?.... Saying that women with bigger hips give birth more easliy... I didn't post that ... Anthony did. No the old wives tale is in relation to your claim about the size of feet .. has been proven to be of zero relevance
  3. I think we all know that Labour played politics in offering the loan knowing they wouldn't have to fulfil it , of course it could then be argued that the coalition played politics in then removing it but pretty much everything i read about suggested it was a flawed business plan I notice though that there is no mention from our left sided friends about the £36m loan that the government gave to Foregmasters last month as part of the nationwide Regional Growth Fund
  4. maybe back in the stone age but that view was disproven 30 years ago , it's been proven to be nothing moer than an “old-wives tale”
  5. This annoys me for a slightly different reason. I often get told to cheer up. Like if I'm on a night out and we're just talking with friends and I'm not in the conversation, people often joke that I should smil emore. Do people just stand there smiling? Obviously they do or I wouldn't get told to cheer up, but if I stand there grinning I feel like a right idiot. I smile when somethign makes me smile. Not just when i'm standing there doing nothing sounds like you need to cheer up a bit
  6. So if i present you with a flawed business plan will you lend me money for it ? got any more straws or shall I send you some ? I think it was more about the difference of about £500m in financing costs for the government over the course of the contract ...
  7. tonyh29


    Don't be afraid to haggle if you are spending that sort of money you should easily be able to get a few hundred off the price.. You don't have to go all apprentice on the shop to get the deal but they will almost certainly do you a good price
  8. tonyh29


    So William and Cameron speak up and FIFA "give" in Anyone else smell a setup ?
  9. I agree with these Protesting Students.... I'd be pissed off too if I was being charged £9,000 a year for lectures that I couldn't be arsed getting out of bed to attend.
  10. tonyh29


    going way OT here but it's going to be rather highly charged when she goes i think ... there was talk of a state funeral for her , which i doubt will go down well with anyone north of Watford ... certainly I shall ask VT to ban me for a few days when she dies as I already know how a lot of posters are going to react and I've no wish to fall out with them over it
  11. A professional attitude to his job from a professional manager and if it was the world cup final I could understand but a pointless friendly of no relevance whatsoever then he should be at the wedding
  12. tonyh29


    :shock: i thought all the barking posts were confined to the God thread , clearly i was wrong Even when Hitler invaded Poland I knew it was all the fault of those damn Tory's
  13. tonyh29


    I'd understand if you said Blair who sent people off to an illegal war to die but otherwise your point doesn't make a lot of sense ....
  14. think I mentioned it in another thread but matey boy expert on the radio the other week said the Italian debt is rumoured to make the Greece problems look tiny in comparison
  15. should you be quoting what is clearly a meerkat with homosexual tendencies towards Sergei ? I'll quote what I like thanks.. without your permission! who said anything about permission .. I'm not some leader of a cult where one has to abide by rules and follow blindly
  16. should you be quoting what is clearly a meerkat with homosexual tendencies towards Sergei ?
  17. tonyh29


    Our FA were happy enough for us to Nazi salute Hitler back in 38 so they should be happy enough to go tell FIFA to Jog on and put the poppy on the shirt
  18. Funny watching Lewis run off to the toilets to cry after his "sweetheart" sacrificed herself for him loves young dream he can't survive much longer anyway so it was a pointless gesture
  19. Declaration of Facts which I assume you are quoting from also contained the words Out of Interest Julie , what was the official word from head office on why the world didn't end in Sept 1975?
  20. T-bone steak Trying to watch me scrape out every last piece of meat from the bone seems to provide some form of comic value to my family Surely I'm not the only one who picks up the bone and chews it ?
  21. Got to go on a Speed Awareness course on Thursday ( yeah i know , I blame that thread for tempting fate ) Undecided yet if I should turn up late and say "Sorry , but if the speed limits weren't so Victorian era low then I wouldn't have been late"
  22. Shank a paedophile in jail and you're a hero. Yet give one an overdose as he yatters about his lost childhood from his oxygen tank and suddenly you're public enemy No.1!
  23. funny enough the monkey said exactly the same thing Edit: should have read rest of thread before replying .... beaten by Gareth for shame
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