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Everything posted by tonyh29

  1. the Low Pay commission recommend a rate which the government then sets ( which may or may not be the rate recommended by the LPC)
  2. tonyh29


    mentioned her in another thread but little Bart is 19 now turning grey and developing arthritis as well as being pretty much deaf Not in any pain or discomfort yet but that time will come soon sadly ..had her nearly half my life and my 2 kids are besotted with her ..not looking forward to "that" day my parents/my cat died when he was 19 on Christmas day when i lived with them ..hoping history doesn't repeat itself
  3. i'm sure you can donate all your salary to worthy causes instead whilst you wait for them to implement it ? Have Pensioners suddenly had to make this "choice" you speak of since 2010 ..No .. I posted it in a thread years ago about how disgusting it was having to see OAP's buying nothing but cans of Tesco Value Baked Beans for their weekly shop ... you keep using this "morals" phrase like some form of disguised insult but you'll probably find there is very little between you and 99.9% of the other people in the world irrespective of where they put their "X" in an election ..
  4. I've referenced exactly that a few times in threads , I've yet to have a builder ,plumber etc at my house who hasn't asked for cash , but they are good old working class people (ha ha ) so of course they don't count what there appears to be is this mindset that people who remortgage their homes , work 60 hour weeks and don't take any holiday for years don't exist .. rich means you must have got it through privilege of birth or are a banker on £2m a year and thus you don't care about others
  5. no my term "some" was to avoid using the word "all" and having someone pull my up on it :winkold: i used some as I didn't have knowledge of all the countries that have implemented it it's supposed to signify a possible alternative that's all .. been a few years since i studied economics but it's introduction "could "lead to something called negative income tax (got a feeling it was Friedman who proposed it ?) whereby you set a household level and if you fall below it the govt would credit you that tax amount .. it's welfare just under another name essentially
  6. interesting some countries that implemented flat tax appear to have seen rising living standards and falling unemployment .. and that tax revenues have increased due to a subsequent decline in tax evasion a flat tax "could" be detrimental to middle income earners but would most likely benefit the poor ( and the rich)
  7. your reasoned tax argument wont work here ...I think the socialist view is that they they don't mind the poor being poorer, provided that the rich are less rich
  8. Ugo down at Chelsea today taking his UEFA coaching badge ..guess his music label didn't take off ?
  9. Out of interest do you beleive had Brown formed another government that the UK economy would now be booming and everything would be ok in the uk ? Or would things still be pretty much as they are just with a Greek style bailout on the cards due to out of control spending ? I'm fairly sure things wouldn't have been any different no matter who was / is in charge
  10. Lancaster Bomber Fairly sure it used to be unbeatable on top trumps as well ( super fortress poss used to beat it )
  11. It's the Mail so it has to be taken as biased but it does give an interesting account http://tinyurl.com/c595kzr
  12. Says who ? Id have thought if someone was going to raise allegations then surely they would post the evidence to go with it ? Otherwise the sentence needs an "IMO" at the end of it because that is all it appears to be at the moment ?
  13. Of course if one followed site rules and quoted a link we could then see comparable figures for other years and have a better idea of what these stats indicate ....
  14. I thought we were buying the F-35 to replace them ? hadn't we been disbanding the squadrons for a while now , since mid 2000 ? ... before the spending review etc so it would seem to have been a long term goal to remove them , for whatever reason
  15. all about opinions I guess but I'm not impressed with the offerings so far .. foxy knoxy being the exception ..clearly bonkers but still would
  16. calm down Dear ... where is the abuse of a poster ? surely if a rule had been broken then there would have been some nice red ink under my post ? firstly 100000000W bulbs were outlawed when Blair signed us up to the climate change programme when he mistook 15% cuts on domestic emissions for 60% of an entire country but I digress What lies is May guilty of exactly ? She authorised a pilot scheme which involved some relaxation of border controls for certain groups who were, fairly obviously, not terrorists. She expressly stated that this relaxation should not extend to dropping the fingerprint test ....Clarke then authorised the relaxation of fingerprint tests. EDIT :hasn't Clark admitted on this morning's Today programme he was at fault not to check before going native on fingerprint confirmations ? Maybe when hard evidence that May was given information, orally or in writing, about what was actually going on at the borders comes out then I guess she becomes guilty , but surely not before ? Weren't the relaxing of certain checks on EU nationals from pre-existing health and safety guidance dating back to 2007 anyway ?
  17. should go in the youtube thread but as this really cheers me up I'll post it here
  18. Food of the Gods. not another bloody religion thread ....
  19. ohhhh sooo close ... have a red rosette as a consolation prize
  20. Play along at home now folks ....
  21. quality ...can always rely on Dennis Skinner :-)
  22. I read it on the web somewhere the other week but the history page on the james web site tells it as you posted above After a quick browse i found the link where i saw bc mentioned , it is a bit confusing / conflicting from the official website ?? http://tinyurl.com/cnro63y Never trust anything you read on the interweb kids !!!
  23. Bicks will be pleased to know that James' first ever gig was as support act for Big Country Could have had 2 for the price of 1 :-)
  24. As I recall it stormin Norman praised the harrier as one I the most important things for the US in the iraq war .... Probably think they can play a part in their invasion of Iran .....
  25. Must take heed of blandy's warning Must take heed of blandy's warning....
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