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Everything posted by tonyh29

  1. I'm with you on that one mate, only slightly worse as I have a dog too. You can bet the firework will wake either the boy or the dog up which will then wake up the other grrrr my cat has just hit 19 and is completely deaf now :-( on the plus side we didn't have to worry about Fireworks this year ..
  2. don't they usually have "not to be sold separately" written on them ... but whilst it's not actually illegal for them to sell them like this (it's nothing more than a manufacturers notice and are not legally binding) , ring up office of trading standards and get some vengeance anyway
  3. he tended to add bolts and iron diagonal reinforcements to his keels so as it wasn't available at the time I'm gonna go with no , still say engineering wise the Ark could not have sailed (based on materials available at that time)
  4. Nearly £1.50 over here at the moment. Makes me die a little inside every time I fill up. lucky you are all tax dodgers (© The VT Left) and thus have plenty of spare cash :winkold:
  5. well it made me chuckle .. funnier if you watch the original religious group video it's copying
  6. if it weren't for the French I'm sure it would be lovely ... I'm off there next week for a training course ... it's gonna be a long 4 days but at least the French women have entered into the spirit of Movember
  7. Another knife into our Civil Liberties ? Evil since 2009 Murdoch Empire
  8. Very much OT but did you see a Chinese version of X-Factor (titled Mongolian Cow Sour Yoghurt Super Girl Contest) had 100 million votes in it's episodes , so it's been pulled as the govt are worried it will encourage democracy
  9. Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin 99.9% dead ..but there is always that .1 % chance
  10. Saw yesterday that the govt "only" take 66% of the price of fuel in tax , down from 81% in 2000 ... i thought the tax rate would have risen if anything what with the increase in VAT I'd still love to know how "we" can blockade pumps at 79p a litre and then sleep walk whilst it hit £1.30
  11. I've mentioned this before but my In-laws side of the family are very catholic They have often commented about how "nice" a person I am considering I don't believe in God (we wont go into detail here on how little they know :winkold:) ... they are of course referring to a moral code as much as anything ... I live on a "do onto others type" code , they seem to think that comes from God , I happen to think it comes partly from upbringing and mainly from within yourself .. But isn't that the issue ? some people need / want to be guided and thus they interpret their own concious as God ...almost like God was was invented to help humans feel better about their actions. What I cant fathom is people that hide behind a book that is part Egyptian history , part bullshit and mainly used as a means of oppression ..it isn't any moral code for anyone to live their life by As one of my favourite bands put it
  12. that's just your interpretation though Mike
  13. Shame you don't live in Liverpool , they would have it off in seconds for you
  14. seems due to a potential battery fault I will be getting a new ipod Nano ..i assume they will just give me another gen 1 version though
  15. Reports saying police were in his room investigating a sex assault when he jumped !!
  16. no way am I going back through 81 pages to try and find the answer lets just assume the world didn't end in 1975 and then i wont have to :-)
  17. 1975 :-) yeah that question never did get answered ....
  18. I did it back in August .. well the UB to Beijing part of it .. a mere 36 hours If you plan on going to Russia allow yourself a couple of days in UB for a look around ..if you want to go full native and sleep in a Ger then allow a few more days I'm glad I did it but to be honest I wasn't blown away by it .. mainly full of westerners who locked themselves in their cabins fell asleep and never came out apart from at the stops to grab a pot noodle and a drink ..Some nice views of the Gobi and surrounding hillside but due to dust they bolt shut all the train windows when you pass through so you wont get any decent photo's and at times couldn't really see a lot due to the swirl 3 days later I took the train from Xining to Lhasa (Qinghai Railway) and that was without doubt the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life (travel wise that is , usual wife kids disclaimer :-) ) no mean feet for someone that has been to 80+ countries now .. you are up in the mountains , above the clouds as times , the scenery is breathtaking ( quite literally due to being at 5000m at times !!) we were the only westerners on the train and the Chinese were sharing tea , sweets and photos with us as well as practising their English ... Walking down to 3rd class which was full of toothless Tibetan old ladies they were all laughing at how white I was and coming up to me and touching my skin and my fair hair .. the young kids could speak English and chatted away .. so not just the views but the whole experience ..
  19. In a candid, admission of the position of the Catholic Church on the Bible’s authority a document published by the Catholic Church "the Gift of Scripture" . various bishops and cardinals stated that one studying the Bible should not expect “total accuracy” from its contents, declaring that “We should not expect to find in Scripture full scientific accuracy or complete historical precision,” .. they go on to describe the Bible a combination of the “Word of God” mixed with “human dimensions.” The "script" went on to list a variety of biblical passages that church leaders felt should be considered “untrue.” Cited were the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which were described as not “historical,” but rather at best only containing “historical traces.” Various other scriptures, such as Matthew 27:25 and Revelation 19:20, describing the beast and false prophet, and the mark of the beast, are described as unbiblical. i.e they basically totally undermine the Bible’s authority.
  20. Apathy rules so welcome to the fourth Reich more like
  21. I vote for the party which offers the most Equality, Ethics and Morals. So after all these rants you are a Tory after all Quality :-) Yawn.
  22. I vote for the party which offers the most Equality, Ethics and Morals. So after all these rants you are a Tory after all Quality :-)
  23. From his posts and spelling I doubt he's old enough to vote :winkold:
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