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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but did Lennon sing songs he wrote and McCartney sing songs he wrote? I've never really known who wrote what, is it that simple?
  2. The name 'Jihadi John'. Good that he has been blown to smithereens but surely they could dispense with his shitty nickname.
  3. I think I'd rather have Zog at left back than Richardson. Good news that they think it might not be as bad as it looked, though it did look like he'd almost had his leg decapitated so it's all relative and it still could be very nasty. Fingers crossed for him that it's a few months rather than a year or more.
  4. The medley in Abbey Road is my favourite bit of Beatles. Rubber Soul is great too.
  5. Why is he? It basically involves a female and me being a sore loser. Plus he's just jaw-volleyable in general, and looks like a Moomin on steroids. So I'm just sitting in the dark waiting to wave my fist at him as he walks past my window.
  6. My mortal enemy has just parked outside my flat, he's obviously gone to the Indian down my road. I'm very tempted to go all ASBO on his bonnet.
  7. I don't really like steak that much. I guess a small fillet steak, medium rare with red wine sauce, spinach and mash would be my favourite.
  8. I'd quit. £50k a week or my sauces... i pick the sauce. Me too. I'd go absolutely **** mental.
  9. Isn't the problem simply that by and large, footballers are thick? I don't know how many of them even bother with media training before becoming pundits, and producers seem to just want big names to sit on their sofa. I quite like on BT Sport on Champions League nights they have a Soccer Saturday style programme with James Richardson and some European journalists talking through all the goals and incidents, with Howard Webb talking about the refereeing decisions logically and fairly. In fact I think BT Sport does a very good job on the whole.
  10. Kinell, that was a bit brutal. Can't really argue with it though.
  11. Let the media bandwagon roll on I say. The angrier they get the closer we get to survival, the better it will feel. If Tactics Tim can make a bigger tit of himself at another club, then even better.
  12. We went to Rules in Covent Garden after Les Mis for my Mum's 65th birthday. It's the oldest restaurant in London, probably £20-£30 for a main course so expensive but it's an absolute treat. Most of it is wild game and meat, my partridge had a bit of bullet in it. It's in the latest James Bond film and often in Downton Abbey, if she's impressed by that kind of thing.
  13. He's built a bit like me. I assume he isn't going on international duty, so hopefully Garde can work hard with him on the training ground and get him ready for the first team.
  14. Lambert's CV is perfect for taking on Fulham. Whether his confidence is completely drained from the last season with us is questionable though. I'd wish him the best as I still like him. God help them if they go for Tim, though.
  15. I actually can't wait until our next match. Been a long time since that happened.
  16. Sounds a sensible way of doing things to me and what must happen at most clubs.
  17. Nah, he has such incredible natural talent, he will make it. Trust in Remi.
  18. true, in theory a Sanchez, Gana and Veretout midfield 3 has a good balance to it if it can settle, but Westwood is an underrated footballer IMO and well worth a squad place. The whole corners thing has put a bigger downer on him than he deserves really.
  19. It's interesting that Garde and Sherwood both recalled him straight away. Maybe he isn't as unprofessional as we all think, or at least puts an effort in for the first few weeks with a new manager.
  20. Exactly, I think a lot depends on this contract malarkey. If he is only ready for 20 minute cameos and 10 of them means giving him £75k a week, then waiting a bit longer might be prudent. It may be something completely different mind you.
  21. We tried him centrally against Spuds and I just don't think he quite has the footballing knowledge to pull it off just yet. I can see why Sinclair can be preferred at the mo out wide and obviously Gil has to start. All in all, I think he will develop into a better player in the long term under Garde even if he has to have a spell on the bench right now.
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