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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. It doesn't sound that bad a deal to me, depending on how many matches it is of course. If it's say 30, them you'd think he'd have had played close to his potential which I think is huge, plus stayed fit, and he'd be one of our best players. I doubt we'd be in the bottom 3 either.
  2. It was meant to be a joke as the lotto emblem makes it look like Noel has a little left hand, and there are famous conspiracies that Kurt didn't actually shoot his brains out, and it's difficult to use a shotgun on yourself with a little hand. I see it went down like a fart in a lift, so let's move on.
  3. there's no way Kurt could have used a shotgun with a left hand that small
  4. I reckon the Lords should be filled up proportionally based on the GE vote, then the parties appoint their own Lords preferably based on intelligence and expertise rather than how much they pay them. That way in theory every vote does count, yet you still keep the definitive result FPTP generally gives in the commons. As for whether it was a good thing they voted it down, I think it was just because it was a really bad, unfair policy and it needed to be done.
  5. it's probably an identikit LMA statement that they change as appropriate for any manager and club. I can assure you we will hear exactly what he thinks in due course, I just hope he's not on the football I subscribe to on TV.
  6. Hahah you say this without a sense of a irony. It's fantastic. Come on, give credit where it's due, he knows exactly what he's saying and getting the reaction he wants
  7. We weren't comfortable under Houllier, we were fighting relegation and he had £30m to spend in January, it took Gary Mac to keep us. If anything, Houllier was the biggest disappointment of the lot and didn't really look like he wanted to be here.
  8. I thought the female contestant today was very pretty too
  9. I don't see how Lambert was worse, he had much tougher circumstances than Sherwood and he achieved the goals he was set by the board until he had to go. This season has been the worst managerial performance I have ever seen, every single aspect of Sherwood's performance has been embarrassing.
  10. We need a manager who can get the best out of the squad we have, especially the new French lads plus Gil and Grealish. For me Garde fills a lot of criteria better than anyone we might appoint just because they've managed in the Prem before. I hope it gets done pretty swiftly.
  11. Sticky labels at work. You try to stick it to something and it often just falls off, you then accidently stick it on something you don't want and it's like it's superglued on and you have to tear the entire fecking thing off.
  12. Indeed, Sherwood and Garde seem like polar opposites, especially in terms of intelligence.
  13. I suggested him when Lambert got the boot, I think he'd fit into what Fox is trying to build. Of course we need instant impact first and foremost, and I think he'd at least pick our best players and put them into a sensible formation. Ticks a lot of boxes and I hope it gets done quickly.
  14. They obviously didn't have enough time to get everyone black armbands on MOTD Extra. The media is going to be sickening the next week or so.
  15. I just hope he doesn't joint BT Sport as I'll have to cancel my subscription. Sky are welcome to him, or Small Heath
  16. He really is the worst manager I have ever seen
  17. can say it all you like Moyes is not coming here And how do you know that?? why on earth would moyes come to this club at this point? He would be coming with us at our lowest ebb so we can surely only go up, there is quality in the squad I don't care what people say, he'd be getting a pay rise, it would help him get out of a job that he is struggling a bit in with his dignity intact, we still are a sleeping giant. It could be attractive to Moyes.
  18. Just checked the result having finished work. Turns out picking one midfielder didn't work then? never before have I seen a manager as bad as Tim Sherwood.
  19. I think it was always a mistake to put Ballance at 3, I think he'd be a better bet than Bairstow at 5. Bell has been ordinary for years either side of the 2013 Ashes. I think his days may be numbered.
  20. The moneyball stuff is a load of arse gravy but I think the criticism of Sherwood is understandable and fair enough.
  21. Been a couple of years at least, I think. 2011 apparently, replaced by the humble Twix. I assume they're cheaper to produce.
  22. Galaxy Truffle used to be the best until they stopped putting them in, the bastards
  23. Also Galaxy caramels are horrid. There's always too many of them in a box of Celebrations, I like caramel in a Twix or Mars Bar but in Galaxy or Dairy Milk, caramel just doesn't taste right.
  24. I like a kit that's ours, not just everyone else's coloured in claret and blue
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