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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. I recently started Mad Men too. I also think I like it, more for the style than anything that actually seems to happen in it.
  2. Exactly, I've got nothing against a quiet pint. It's mainly the noise and number of dickheads that annoys me, plus it's cheaper just to have a small gathering round someone's house, or get pissed in front of the TV. It doesn't help that my mate's fiancée has organised it and for her everything is the most important thing in the world and has set up a Facebook group thing for it. I told them I'd go, yet she still insists on everyone confirming it via message, which I've ignored.
  3. I bet that a fair few managers will be looking at this talk of transfer committees and thinking that they've been working under the same system for years. All clubs have head scouts, analysts, scouts, a money man who tries to get the deal done in budget, the manager who has a huge say as Lambert has said he did under Reilly, and a chairman/CEO who decides the budget. We've recruited a CEO and analyst from Arsenal, a club where supposedly the manager has all control over signings. Yet Wenger is a huge fan of scouting and recruiting young players from Europe like we have, and it's been tremendously successful, and must have done it with a lot of help. It's not as if we haven't signed experienced PL players either, in Richards, Lescott and Sinclair and Adebayor was set to sign. It was a very good, balanced summer window IMO. So we didn't get Townsend, who would have cost £15m, £60k a week and has played five matches this season. Huddleston, no thanks. Lennon perhaps, but he would have chosen Everton over us anyway. Begovic turned us down, and we didn't need a keeper anyway. I think Sherwood can have little complaint, certainly compared to Lambert who very rarely made a fuss, if at all, about the players we missed out on in his time here.
  4. I'm just wondering how anyone would know what a meeting involving Randy was about considering how secretive he is, and Tim wasn't in attendance. I think a gutless performance on Saturday would be enough and Rodgers will be in by Tuesday.
  5. I've got to go to the pub tomorrow night for a friend's birthday. I hate going to the pub, especially at weekends.
  6. Richards is so strong and hard to stop once he makes his runs upfield that I think he would be perfect at right back, but as you say he's here to play centre half and is doing well. It's a shame the Okore-Clark partnership ground to a halt as they showed promise together, and we could play Richards and Amavi either side.
  7. Every day is a press conference for Tactics Tim
  8. In all seriousness it sounds like you definitely made the right decision, it would have only got worse, especially if you ever did get round to having kids. Have you paid for a honeymoon? If so I'd still go on my own, sounds like she'd only have hated it anyway.
  9. If it's food poisoning then there's no cure other than to shit it all out and wait for a few days. Farts can turn quite easily to sharts, so be careful.
  10. Quite. That's assuming he hasn't been suspended by Sherwood for five games for that corner. I love Carles, I just hope we get a manager that uses him.
  11. Even better was when they had those loony toons Pogs in packets of Walkers back in the 90s
  12. The only thing is that his mates in the media will say how unfair it is that he got sacked, that he didn't have enough time or wasn't able to bring in his own players, and it will be pretty unpalatable, regardless of whether Sherwood has or doesn't have a confidentiality clause in his contract. At least they can't really blame the fans for hounding him out like they did with McLeish. Assuming he gets sacked, that is.
  13. I've been thinking about transfer committees, surely all clubs have a hierarchy where the scouts do the scouting, the head scout organises it and recommends, probably with the analyst to give a list to the manager to add to his own preferred signings, then the money men work out which ones they can actually buy. The way Lambert talked about the club doing it last week it sounded like he was heavily involved and would phone around to make sure he got to know about the character of players from people he trusts, but he obviously had to rely heavily on scouting as he didn't always have time. If Sherwood thinks he can come to a Premier League club and just rely on players who he used to coach or play for the club his best mate is chairman of, then he's going to have a very short career in management.
  14. The NHS needs so much money just to stand still. If we are having to add a city's-worth of people to the country each year, plus wanting 24/7 service, the strain is going to become unbearable. Tbf they did announce a big house-building scheme designed for first time buyers, but whether it's enough I'm not sure.
  15. It's too small a sample size to compare him to others, not that it's that relevant anyway. The fact that so many people have made their mind up after such a short period of time says it all really, as I genuinely think the majority of people on here are logical and think things through properly and would normally give the manager a lot longer before wanting them out. But he really has been that awful.
  16. When I was at uni, one of the bars on campus had unisex toilets. It was a bit weird, and I've never encountered it anywhere else. It often meant queuing for longer than we men should be expected to as well, which was a pain in the arse.
  17. I was just walking back from the theatre and a bird went to the toilet on my head I've just washed my hair for 10 minutes and still feel minging, I think I'm going to have to shave it off
  18. I remember an interview with Steven Gerrard when he was asked what his favourite cheese was, and he said 'melted cheese'. Summed him up really. Mild cheddar is basically what American cheese tastes like, it's just a bit boring. The stronger the better IMO. Talking of cheese, when you get a four cheese pizza and two of them are mozzarella and parmesan. Those two shouldn't count.
  19. I think there is a happy medium, by and large managing Villa can be a pretty thankless task even if we get to mid-table, so ideally we could do with someone who can develop a team as well as keep us up. Moyes is my first choice, he has had relegation battles as well as European runs on varying budgets, and has at least tried to broaden his knowledge by working in Spain.
  20. Maybe misguidedly Platini hoped that if Blatter just stepped down then all the shit fan-hitting could be avoided, but that never took into account the fact that Sepp is an utter despot. Now it's just going to get messier for them both, rather wonderfully.
  21. The line about appealing for his stepdaughter is brutal but sums it up perfectly
  22. Jeans and trousers does sound a bit excessive
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