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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. My mate has gone today. Spent £400 on two tickets and might not even get to see Nadal v Djokovic ?
  2. Me too. There's a big enough body of work to judge it on, but if others prefer someone else that's fine, even if I can't understand it. The way Messi can completely flummox a defender with a shimmy one way or the other or both is incredible. I don't think I have ever seen him do a stepover in all his career.
  3. I do it too. Conversely when I'm really concentrating on doing some sort of task I stick my tongue out while I'm doing it. No idea why.
  4. It's a bit different coming through Barca's system to Sporting's. One is one of the biggest clubs in the world, the other is known as a stepping stone to bigger things, as to a degree were United. As Messi was the best player in the world already by the age of 19, no amount of money would have bought him for the next 10-15 years. There's also the fact that Messi is clearly the better footballer regardless.
  5. To be fair I thought Maguire had Mandzukic when the ball got cleared and when it came back in he'd moved onto Stones' shoulder so they're equally to blame. I'd put it down to mental fatigue as much as anything.
  6. Arseballs. Croatia were just miles better than us after half time, we showed our naivety. Shame a defensive error settled the game too.
  7. Young had to come off really, Vrsaljko had the freedom of that side of the field.
  8. So **** sloppy all over the pitch. Why do they do it to us FFS. Croatia were like a different team in the second half, fair play to their manager for sorting them out.
  9. It's crazy how often Sterling and Lingard make the wrong decisions. Still their running is a key part of the system, I just wish we'd got that second goal.
  10. Didn't realise that. I guess it's one of the ways to get around the FFP, not that it really seems to matter at the top. If I were Real I wouldn't touch Neymar with someone else's barge pole but I doubt they think like that.
  11. Still can't believe we got this far. I thought there was at least 8 teams better than us going into the World Cup, and the best we could hope for was to get through the group and maybe benefit from one of the big teams slipping up, but everything's just worked out great including the system Southgate has pulled out of nowhere. Come on England!
  12. I suspect so, though I'd much rather sign Mbappe than Neymar. I doubt Mbappe is a big enough word removed to force a move through a year after signing for PSG whereas Neymar is. I can't see him being anywhere near enough to bridge the gap between a Ronaldo-less Real and Barca.
  13. I'm not sure at any stage we made it seem like we wanted him, at least from when Sherwood took over. Same with Veretout. It works both ways.
  14. Played like a drain the last 20 minutes or so.
  15. No atmosphere in the ground which is a shame.
  16. I assume Juve are going all in to try and win the Champions League next season. He's still got a few years in him though he doesn't have that great a record of winning the league. I know Juve are virtually guaranteed the league each year but it'll be interesting to see if he has similar tantrums there and what effect they have on the team.
  17. Not wishing to be a party pooper, but practically isn't it going to be really difficult to sort out at a day's notice anyway?
  18. Someone at work got the hump with me yesterday as he was telling me a story about throwing his beer in the pub and another bloke grabbed him up against the wall by the throat because his wife got soaked. All I could say was 'Too **** right', I hate the widespread ASBO chav behaviour that people think is ok because we've won a few football matches.
  19. How is it even that close still? It's pretty much the same as before the referendum I think.
  20. Bugger me do my bollocks get sweaty working in a bakery all day but it's worth it in the greater scheme of things. I love proper hot weather like this.
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