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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. I'll take Ralf Rangnick at the end of the season, when Conte goes to Man U. I really hope Gerrard can take us forward, but Iv'e just a nagging feeling, he ain't going to turn out to be our man
  2. There's some footage, I can't find it now. But Lewis says "we have won 8 titles we are all focused". Won eight titles? He ment it for sure.
  3. Had to post this, it's an old one, but reminded me of it. Wouldn't have wanted to be on there, I think the engines failed too!
  4. Brook looked proper cut earlier on the weigh in, fair play to him. The only thing for me, is it seems Brook wants the fight more than Khan. If Khan still has his speed, he wins, I doubt Brook will have the timing. Brook always seemed the sort of guy you would not shy away from in a pub if he got a bit lairy, with his squeeky voice and Demeanour. Proves you can never judge anyone by looks alone, he would destroy many a geezer.
  5. I do wonder if fuel prices and what you get out the pump are manipulated/accurate, at some places. So I used to fill up and it would cost me £68.00 or there about, from empty (or to be accurate 4.5 litres left in the tank) , this is diesel. It now costs £77.00 with 10p a litre rise, 12 gallon tank. This means another £9.00 to fill up? Iv'e worked out it should be costing around £5.00??
  6. Every time on here we try and see the positives, a few have to bury us back down in the sand telling us how many are dying and there are still many being admitted, ohh and what about that guy who has never recovered. We have no doubt had the worse of it, we gotta live with it now guys, so to a few, start living and stop worrying.
  7. Sky ennit. Yet again looking under stones for racism in sport.
  8. Heading down to Brackley shortly again, could be windy on the Motorway, or might just miss us?
  9. Few racial comments between Khan and Brook earlier, crossed the line, it wasn't banter.
  10. The blob of toothpaste you put on your toothbrush is called a 'nurdle'.
  11. All Mobile phones had to be put in little lockers before we went in unfortunately.
  12. He won't be losing much, that new Merc ( I saw today in person) is a technical masterpiece.
  13. Luckily, the roofer finished our roof repairs today bout 1600 just before the wind came. Bits and pieces were coming of with the lighter winds we had I think 2 weeks ago. Just found my wheelie on next doors drive, luckily the side of their car stopped it gong any further
  14. Not just him either, many well known characters. There was a reason he got killed, sorry, I mean committed suicide in prison.
  15. A community of human beings yes.
  16. Unfortunately, it's rife within certain communities, but they are literally threatened to never tell.
  17. Garden designers are raking it in. I know someone who put 12k on there garden, an apart from a trees you have to wrap up in the winter, i'm not sure where the money went. The guys pretty handy, but left it to the wife. He even he admitted, they did nothing he couldn't have done himself, apart from maybe the initial design.
  18. Another program "Dream home make overs" on five, with the most insane decor ideas, you know, flamingo wall paper at 85 quid a roll. green an yellows in the kitchen. Have they even made a program directed for the working class. Restoring a house with 50k budget instead off 500k+. Building a kitchen extension with 50-80k to spend rather than 1.5 million. I'm sure it would get many more viewings. "Old house, new home" I remember it starting okay with reasonable budgets on small detached homes, after series 2 or 3 it then ended up with the usual 500k budget on a house bought for a million??
  19. I'd be more worried posting it on here than to the council. One or 2 will be along shortly to tear you a new one.
  20. I'm sure in the legal paper work it would say not to mention in the meia that she took any money from the settlement, not to discredit her anymore. Guess it'll come out soon. I'm by far blaming her for hanging around with paedos. But where the hell are the parents, when your 16/17 year old daughter is swanning off to private islands with rich old men??
  21. If that's a celebration fair enough. But when I look at other players celebrating from other teams, an watch Ollie from last season, they are poor examples. To me it looks like when someone else gets the job you desperately wanted, an you try and be happy for them.
  22. Those ice skaters that spin and spin at speed. Iv'e had it explained how they don't get dizzy, as I used to know a amateur skater. But still never understood how it actually works. Try and focus on one position when spinning?? How the hell would you even see?
  23. Personally if I was Gerrard, after the hairdryer treament, I would play Luiz and McGinn, and if I didn't see 110% I would drag them off after 20 and get Sanson and Chambers on, show emm he means business and won't put up with half arsed peformances. He actually should have done this at half time against Newcastle, waiting till 70-75 again was far to late the way some were playing.
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