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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. They nearly got there head caved in by a fire extinguisher by the looks of it.
  2. I was out everyday last week training and didn't catch it. I think these storms are helping, I've heard they blow and dampen down the particles. Everyone needs to have a party outside in 80 mph winds and rain
  3. Was at a pals house today, there was a huge tree in the middle of the road. It's not busy at all but the council were called at 1330 and the chain saw gang were there by 1400 cutting it up and shifting it. in the pouring rain. Wish all the other trades worked like that.
  4. The Leeds player today smashed his head with McTominay, got bandaged up, even though blood was pouring out, an he was obviously dazed, they let him carry on. Got subbed 15 minutes later couldn't even walk off the pitch. Disgusting by the physio, I think the PL need to look at this concussion subbing a little closer. He should never have carried on, was as good as dangerous to let him. They should also never ask the player if he is okay and make the decision themselves.
  5. It's not just Liverpool?? I don't actually think Pawson is that bad a ref, he just seems a bit of a soft lad and lacks bottle, seems to always give the bigger team the call.
  6. This Wolves side are good under Lage, exactly how a team should be playing, all grafting for the win and look like they are enjoying it. Not much difference in quality to us, but far better footballing team, makes our team look like a bunch of flash harrys.
  7. Hows that Claire Rafferty got a job commentating on SSN. Not only is she useless, it looks like she is on speed.
  8. Corrected. Seems everyone knows how to beat Leeds apart from us.
  9. They don't pay for anything mate. I can personally say, a few don't even pay for there high end cars, an if they do it's 30-40% lower than we would get them.
  10. If we didn't support the team we wouldn't go. Whether positive or negative, the players should know, everyone is there to support AVFC, that's why we sell out nearly every game. They owe us, we don't owe them!!
  11. Win some games, score some goals and see the crowd lift, listen to the singing and the roars of positivity. Stop trying to blame us fans. Man City and Liverpool are success and they do it with a quieter crowd than we have. If the players try harder, so will the fans to support them.
  12. Anyone who watches football, an watches Wolves, Brighton, Southampton, with us having arguably better players, there is no wonder half the fan base are p***** off at what they see every weekend at VP. The results against Brentford, Leeds, Newcastle were atrocious, lost by players not playing to the best of there ability, an it continued with Watford yesterday. We have billionaire owners spending big money, sometimes it's left to the players to perform once a week in front of the fans that pay big money to see them. The play at the moment is inept, us fans are not stupid, we are seeing players not performing past 50%.
  13. I cannot believe people are slagging fans or trying to justify footballers poor form with verbal they must hear. The football is poor, they are getting paid huge sums of money to do a job most are not doing. They need to try harder. When you are actually at the game, you can see the players not fighting for the cause, you can see Watkins not chasing the ball, McGinn not making runs and even dare I say Coutinio just standing still after a pass. This does not make for a great atmosphere at a big football stadium like VP. You watch and think, "what the hell are these boys doing? It was embarrassing to walk away from VP yesterday, an that was down to the players yet again not putting in the graft. Fans are getting bored of it, we have capable players, there is no excuse not to see a performance that gets bums off seats and singing at the top of our voices.
  14. You do realise Gerrard is the manager, but Micheal Beale belly is the coach. I do believe he is a great technical coach, but I think they are making it far too technical for the players. It's gonna be a case of going back to basics.
  15. I like the sausage roll socks for real.
  16. Khan looked like he tired a bit early to me. Brook looked the fitter man. I'm betting a re match.
  17. Cut Brooks eye already could be in trouble here.
  18. Khan's gotta go for it here, caught Brook at the end, but can't take many more shots from brook
  19. Not many there for Brook. I know he don't care though.
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