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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. Sensible line-up. Rests key players but still strong enough to be competitive.
  2. Meh. We could play at 7 in the morning, both legs away, or on Mars. We’ll beat them because we’re the better team, no matter when or where we play.
  3. El Zen

    Gym Routine

    There or thereabouts. I’ve graduated to suburbia, but close enough.
  4. El Zen

    Gym Routine

    It went ok. No back pain, but the first few work outs with Stronglifts are so easy it is hard to tell. New gym was an absolute mess, though. Seems they put all their efforts into group sessions, and leave the weights room in the hands of roided up school boys. Plates situation was literally all over the place and I really have no desire to listen to them talking about how much «candy» they are getting for the party they are going to later. Will have to try a different one.
  5. No way he goes there. Massive step down.
  6. El Zen

    General Chat

    I get that she’s not well, but that there is just so hard for me to understand. Ok, it’s a struggle when my 4yo slaps me in the face and calls me a poopoo, but I have no idea how you can hate a child, on a personal level, let alone your own.
  7. El Zen

    Gym Routine

    So, a year and a half after my back injury I’m off to try my luck again. I have been feeling pretty good about it for a while, and after a couple of kettle bell sets at home, I want to finally get back into weight lifting again. I’ve developed a bit of a «runner’s body» being off weights for so long, so I really want to add some muscle mass. I’m going to follow Stronglifts 5x5, having had success with that in the past, and I’ll be starting from basically scratch. I’ll be trying out a new gym, too, so I’m not expecting a massive work out, but hopefully it’ll be a good start without any back issues. Fingers crossed!
  8. Ter Stegen is excellent. Much better than Neuer these days, surely?
  9. «Liverpool totally dominated Barcelona». Right. Of course they did, Jamie. Of course they did.
  10. Liverpool played a very good game for about 70 minutes and must be wondering what the hell just happened. A great game of football, and Liverpool deserve credit for that, but ultimately they were made to look like amateurs by a far superior player and team.
  11. I love how high Barca are pressing, 3-0 up, in injury time. Brilliant.
  12. The free kick was insane. Don’t know if I’ve ever seen better from anyone not named Conor Hourihane.
  13. So you understand that if anything is to blame, it’s the system, not GPs being «slackers»? The system is incentivised towards taking on as many patients as you can, not towards maintaining a generous schedule with wide margines. GPs aren’t being slackers, they are having to overbook their schedules to make sure they make money. And, yes, I have spent more time waiting on electricians, plumbers and deliveries. The electrician is paid by the hour, and will usually make vague appointments (I’ll be there between 8 and noon, probably, maybe). If a job takes longer than planned, he can just charge you the extra hours. A GP can’t do that.
  14. I’ve spent far more time waiting for electricians, plumbers and deliveries than I have waiting for my GP. As others have said, precise scheduling at a GP clinic is almost impossible. They’re not paid by the hour, they’re paid per patient. I’m sure some GPs are slackers, but mostly they are just overworked.
  15. Just how the f... did the Spurs medical team let Verthongen back on the pitch?
  16. Well, that was intense. Part of me really enjoyed the sheer intensity of it all, part of me was left wanting more actual dramatic content. I shan’t be too picky, so overall I thought it was good television. (But, yeah, turn up the light next time, pretty please.)
  17. Dirty, cheating scum. I hope they crash out in the semis.
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