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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. They’re domestic rivals. Why on earth would I want them to do well? It always pisses me off when people in Norway say we all have to want Rosenborg to do well in Europe. No! I can’t feckin stand them, and European success gives them an even greater financial advantage over other Norwegian clubs. I support Aston Villa and my local Norwegian club. Why would I wish their rivals any success at all?
  2. I dunno. Ask someone at PSG, they might know.
  3. He didn’t even have a particularly bad game. Just by his own superhuman standards. Any other player we would be saying how he was his team’s only creative outlet and that he got in good positions.
  4. Not saying Messi has the same leadership qualities as Ronaldo, but I think you need to account for manegerial incompetance and the infamous Argie office politics as well.
  5. Analyzing Barcelona’s performance last night, they have some major issues that need solving, despite their domestic dominance. - They need to replace Suarez with more speed, and someone good enough to be a threat down the left. Neither Coutinho, Dembele or Malcolm is the answer. - Their midfield is a shadow of its former glory. You don’t easily replace Iniesta and Xavi, and while Rakitic is a quality player, he’s not good enough to carry a Barcelona midfield. More worrying than that, even, is that Busquets looks done. He was never fast, but last night he looked like a bag of sand. He will be just as difficult to replace as Iniesta was, but it needs to be adressed. - Their right back situation is a mess, and it has been since Dani Alves. Sergi Roberto, for all his local lad sentimental value and spirit, simply isn’t good enough, and Semedo doesn’t cut the mustard either, even though he obviously should have started over Sergi Roberto last night. - They’ve lost their identity, on the pitch. They simply do not look like Barcelona. Where is the dominant posession game, defending on the ball? Where is the high pressing, the traps? They had none of that last night. Messi is still Messi, and will be for a couple more years. But if Barca want to make the most of Messi’s last years of prime quality, they have to make drastic changes.
  6. Won’t be surprised if this date is made an annual bank holiday here after this.
  7. If you think English media will be bad, trust me, Norway will be even worse. Here, everyone and their grandmother is a f***ing Liverpool supporter.
  8. I hate to be hyperbolic, and I can see this is a bit ott considering their domestic dominance, but Valverde needs sacking on the spot. Completely botched it. Coutinho had no business starting that game, and their pressing is non-existing.
  9. Just f*** off, Barca. Inexcusible.
  10. You mean former Liverpool and Real Madrid player Steve McManaman. Biased? Well, I never.
  11. How do you not score from that, Leo?
  12. So, Anfield, eff off with the booing.
  13. Total Liverpool w**kfest on Norwegian telly.
  14. I know better than to be arrogant about it, but I think they won’t know what hit them. It will be a matter of not being wasteful in front of goal, because I think we’ll dominate them in open play.
  15. El Zen

    Gym Routine

    Another day of mixed results. Different gym, it was fine. A little smaller, but clean, tidy and hardly a soul in there. Will be signing up. Back can’t handle squats. I’ll have to sub them out entirely, but I’d like to keep on with the rest of the Stronglifts programme. Suggestions? Surprisingly, deadlifts were fine.
  16. Glen Whelan. Not simply a footballer, but an artist.
  17. Sounds like we’ve signed some players I’ve never heard of. Norwegian commentator keeps talking about a Høøøriheyn, a Cod-eeee-aaah, and a lad called Grellish (but he’s being rested).
  18. Our reserves are (kind of) dominating the champions elect. Fun times!
  19. That is so strange, as I’ve barely had any issues at all this season.
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